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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Mm11

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Mm11

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Regist10

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by thetruthbeknown 27.10.13 13:44

I dont know if this has been asked elsewhere, ive looked but there are so many threads, I may have missed it. On their facebook 'find madeleine official' It says about the crimewatch number now being 'invalid' and gives new numbers to contact, further reading says that they could not 'afford' to keep the crimewatch number running..even though it was only a week after the programme.

Is that correct?

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by oakeso 27.10.13 16:24


Thursday, 24 October 2013

We are very pleased that the investigation to find our missing daughter Madeleine has officially been reopened in Portugal. We hope that this will finally lead to her being found and the discovery of who is responsible for this crime.

We once again urge any member of the public who may have information relating to Madeleine's abduction to contact the police in Portugal or the UK.

Please be patient and respect the work of the police as they endeavour to find the answers we so desperately need. In particular, we request that the media consider carefully Madeleine’s safety and the integrity of the investigation in their reporting.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Gerry and Kate

Gerry and Kate will not be giving any comments regarding the progress of the investigation unless there is a significant breakthrough.
Cristobell wrote:It reads like a game over, desperate plea to me.  The haughtiness is not there, its as if they are preparing for a deluge of the proverbial to hit the fan.  I have just watched Sky news and I sensed a change in their tone.  it had all the usual poor Gerry and Kate stuff, but when it went through computer images of timeline and facts, it said McCanns were made arguidos, then PJ dropped the case.  No mention of the McCanns being cleared.  Thats a first to my knowledge.  The Portuguese guy was very sympathetic to the parents, but I am beginning to spot a pattern here with detectives, they seem to treat all as victims up to the moment they snap the cuffs on them!  Maybe its part of police training? Perhaps Petermac can tell us.  I do recall part of Kate's book where she is mortified that the detective she had thought a friend, their families even had dinner together, changed character completely once they were made arguidos.  
I agree, Cristobell. When you think about how "desperate" they once were to have an investigation now they're merely "very pleased". It brings to mind Kate's reference to "a can of beans falling off a shelf" when they told Mrs Fenn that a child had gone missing. 

It's also telling in that here they expect a negative media slant and are appealing that it doesn't happen for Madeleine's sake and that they won't be commenting on the investigation anytime soon.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Smokeandmirrors 27.10.13 16:38

MRNOODLES wrote:Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Suspects_small

I see this is still up.
SInce Scotland Yard have told millions of viewers this is now discounted and they have identified the person, it might constitute an offence of misleading the public for it to remain, or perverting the course of justice.

But nowt new there then!!

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by ProfessorPPlum 27.10.13 16:47

Sorry if slightly tangential but I'm struck by these words:

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Screen12

First of all, why do they imagine they need to explain themselves still looking?

And if they absolutely had to explain it, then why doesn't it read:

• We hope with all our hears that Madeleine is still alive
• We must do all we can to find her
• We made a terrible mistake when she was young and most vulnerable
• We love her and miss her beyond words


All the McCanns' actions are directed at finding out what the case against them is and attempting (ineptly in my view) to counter it. This is what the bewk was, and it is what lies behind the wording of that strange explanation on their website. People do not behave like this without something to hide.

The prime suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann cannot be permitted to dictate what can and can't be discussed about the case

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by susible 27.10.13 17:04

thetruthbeknown wrote:I dont know if this has been asked elsewhere, ive looked but there are so many threads, I may have missed it. On their facebook 'find madeleine official' It says about the crimewatch number now being 'invalid' and gives new numbers to contact, further reading says that they could not 'afford' to keep the crimewatch number running..even though it was only a week after the programme.

Is that correct?
Had a look at the page I can't see it.  Have you got a link please?

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty The Wayback Machine - over the years (Mods please move if in wrong place)

Post by ProfessorPPlum 27.10.13 17:19

I've been doing a bit of looking into (prompted by a member's post on another thread) and have turned up some interesting things about it by examining it in 

While doing it, I also came across old versions of the site using Google's 'Wayback Machine'.*/

I don't have any astounding conclusions prompting me to post this, just I thought that it might be useful for members to be checking what the McCanns said to the world via their site at different key moments (given that they're currently still apparently looking for Tannerman..!)

On little nugget is that Wikipedia's entry for Madeleine McCann enjoys three times more engagement per visitor than does

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Screen13

The prime suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann cannot be permitted to dictate what can and can't be discussed about the case

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by thetruthbeknown 27.10.13 17:30

susible wrote:
thetruthbeknown wrote:I dont know if this has been asked elsewhere, ive looked but there are so many threads, I may have missed it. On their facebook 'find madeleine official' It says about the crimewatch number now being 'invalid' and gives new numbers to contact, further reading says that they could not 'afford' to keep the crimewatch number running..even though it was only a week after the programme.

Is that correct?
Had a look at the page I can't see it.  Have you got a link please?

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by susible 27.10.13 17:37

Yes, I can see the main page, but where is the part about the crimestopper number?

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by thetruthbeknown 27.10.13 17:41

I wasnt sure whether the one posted here, is the same one as on TV? If they are saying the previous one is invalid :/ getting a little confused, which isnt very hard to do lol big grin

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by susible 27.10.13 17:58

The crimestopper number is no longer available to phone about the Madeleine case from what I can glean.  Now that says a lot about what SY think about the likelihood of someone phoning in with new information.  They don't need to keep it up and running because they know exactly who they are looking for.

Mind you there's one determined person there who wanted to give information but there was no contact button on the FB page and the FM webmaster tries to get them to send the info to them, but she says she's already phoned Grange with the info...

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by PeterMac 27.10.13 18:12

PeterMac wrote:These images are still showing on the Home page, right hand side, they scroll round every few seconds.
Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 <a href=Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 210" />
Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 <a href=Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 110" />
Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 <a href=Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 310" />

So the Barcelona Victoria Beckham docks girl is still being actively sought
Pimpleman is still around and Tannerman has clearly NOT been ruled out by Crime Watch. Obviously SY were not telling the truth !
For the record
Sunday 27 October
STILL THERE scrolling round if you stay on the page.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Guest 27.10.13 18:18

susible wrote:The crimestopper number is no longer available to phone about the Madeleine case from what I can glean.  Now that says a lot about what SY think about the likelihood of someone phoning in with new information.  They don't need to keep it up and running because they know exactly who they are looking for.

Mind you there's one determined person there who wanted to give information but there was no contact button on the FB page and the FM webmaster tries to get them to send the info to them, but she says she's already phoned Grange with the info...
IIRC the number to ring re CW was only open up until midnight the next day. Not very long after anyway. I think.? Not definite. Met police issued a tweet about it.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by tigger 27.10.13 18:19

Looks like SY didn't tell them anything, or they can no longer afford that very expensive webmaster at 37.000,00 or so a year, or they don't think that SY is on the right track. 

Great avatar PM!

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Guest 27.10.13 18:25

ProfessorPPlum wrote:I've been doing a bit of looking into (prompted by a member's post on another thread) and have turned up some interesting things about it by examining it in 

While doing it, I also came across old versions of the site using Google's 'Wayback Machine'.*/

I don't have any astounding conclusions prompting me to post this, just I thought that it might be useful for members to be checking what the McCanns said to the world via their site at different key moments (given that they're currently still apparently looking for Tannerman..!)

On little nugget is that Wikipedia's entry for Madeleine McCann enjoys three times more engagement per visitor than does

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Screen13
Merged your thread her PPP, as it is to do with Findmadeleine website.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Guest 27.10.13 19:04

tigger wrote:Great avatar PM!
Love it sitting on a jar of Marmite big grin

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Woofer 27.10.13 19:12

admin wrote:
tigger wrote:Great avatar PM!
Love it sitting on a jar of Marmite big grin
Obviously a lover, not a hater !

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by thetruthbeknown 27.10.13 19:50

candyfloss wrote:
susible wrote:The crimestopper number is no longer available to phone about the Madeleine case from what I can glean.  Now that says a lot about what SY think about the likelihood of someone phoning in with new information.  They don't need to keep it up and running because they know exactly who they are looking for.

Mind you there's one determined person there who wanted to give information but there was no contact button on the FB page and the FM webmaster tries to get them to send the info to them, but she says she's already phoned Grange with the info...
IIRC the number to ring re CW was only open up until midnight the next day.  Not very long after anyway.  I think.?  Not definite.  Met police issued a tweet about it.
Thanks..So their info on that page is now the numbers given for 'operation grange' then and not connected directly to Crimewatch. Thats all I wanted to know. I generally do not watch Crimewatch, wasnt sure how it operates once a programme finishes.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by tigger 28.10.13 12:33

Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Screen10

Hope this works, a screenshot of an early website where even her name, the name they always called her, was misspelled.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Liz Eagles 28.10.13 12:37

tigger wrote:Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Screen10

Hope this works, a screenshot of an early website where even her name, the name they always called her, was misspelled.
oh dear...'Madenleine'

It's also worth looking up Gerry's blogs on this day.
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by tigger 28.10.13 16:34

Saturday May 12
• Madeleine's fourth birthday.
Her parents mark the day by calling for people to redouble their efforts to find her. After spending most of the day away from Praia da Luz, the couple attend a special birthday mass in the village where Mr McCann speaks about the impact of the abduction on the family.
He also says for the first time that the couple are convinced Madeleine is alive.
The total reward being offered by business figures, celebrities and a national newspaper for information leading to Madeleine's safe return reaches £2.5 million.
Chancellor Gordon Brown expresses his sympathy for Madeleine's parents and says his thoughts are with them.
Sunday May 13
• It emerges London lawyers from the International Family Law Group have flown to Portugal to assist the McCanns, and are setting up a special "fighting fund" to allow members of the public to make their own financial contribution to the search.
Monday May 14
• Mr McCann says that "until there is concrete evidence to the contrary, we believe Madeleine is safe and is being looked after". Mrs McCann says they cannot consider going home at the moment.
Police launch a search at the home of Anglo-Portuguese man Robert Murat, just 100 yards from where Madeleine was snatched. Mr Murat is taken in for questioning, but is not formally arrested.
Thursday May 17
The official website set up to help find Madeleine,, receives more than 25 million hits.

There is no announcement in Gerry's blog that the fund is operational on the 18th. 
He starts his blog on the 20th. 

I find it interesting that Maddie is declared as definitely alive (the 'not come to any harm' is a later  mantra)just as the fund-creation is starting with the IFLG  arrival the following day.

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by oakeso 28.10.13 16:42

They weren't taking any chances with the public spelling her name, contrary to what Kate says about never shortening her name they were accepting "MADDIE" texts for £1

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” 

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Beyond belief

Post by PeterMac 28.10.13 17:13

Even given everything that has happened in the last week and then the last 48 hours These images are still showing on the Home page, right hand side, they scroll round every few seconds.
Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 <a href=Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 210" />
Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 <a href=Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 110" />
Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 <a href=Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 310" />

So the Barcelona Victoria Beckham docks girl is still being actively sought
Pimpleman is still around and Tannerman has clearly NOT been ruled out by Crime Watch. Obviously SY were not telling the truth !
[/quote]For the record
Monday 28th October 1815
STILL THERE scrolling round if you stay on the page.[/quote]

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by tigger 28.10.13 17:58

oakeso wrote:They weren't taking any chances with the public spelling her name, contrary to what Kate says about never shortening her name they were accepting "MADDIE" texts for £1
I hoped somebody would see that!  Well, they did spell it right - didn't want to make it too difficult to pay!

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by Guest 29.10.13 21:21

Tannerman still there..21:15 
I don't understand it, if they did an update on 24th why not change it then?
But you can still donate wft

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Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch - Page 2 Empty Re: Findmadeleine website update 24th October 2013 - They are STILL promoting the 'Tannerman' sighting at 9.15pm, 10 days after Crimewatch

Post by tigger 30.10.13 15:07

dantezebu wrote:Tannerman still there..21:15 
I don't understand it, if they did an update on 24th why not change it then?
But you can still donate wft
Please do not miss the £ 100,00 donate button!

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