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Real charities - safe donations Mm11

Real charities - safe donations Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Real charities - safe donations Mm11

Real charities - safe donations Regist10

Real charities - safe donations

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Real charities - safe donations Empty Real charities - safe donations

Post by tigger 11.07.12 7:07

Perhaps it's a good idea to list charities with which we have had experience and which we know to be mainly staffed by volunteers such as:

I would certainly donate to them because I know a few people who are volunteers. This charity will do as much for lost children and adults if not more than the self-styled Missingpeople.

As I understand it, MP wants other people to look out for missing people - a few hundred thousand of them. The point is that the great majority of these people are teenage or older and left home because they didn't want to be there.

Starting a campaign with large screens is useless imo because:
Selected 'lost' people will be featured briefly (I'm predicting a photogenic little girl coming up too, around the age of 8 or 9) but the great majority of the 'lost' people will not be so lucky. If we can believe the numbers of the actually lost and missing. We are also told that the great majority is found again, so how many actually lost people does that leave?

The police do a very thorough job in spreading news of lost or missing under age children.

What is wrong with Esther Rantzen's CHILDLINE? We never hear about that at all in the media, yet it was very widely published.

My vote goes to the Samaritans who have done sterling work for many decades and the police who have wide experience in tracing genuinely lost people.

P.S. I'm also predicting that at least one of the children (probably a photogenic one) featured on the Missingpeople screens wil be found and we may be treated to clips of a tearful reunion. Hankies at the ready, press the donation button ........

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Real charities - safe donations Empty Re: Real charities - safe donations

Post by anil39200 11.07.12 17:07

I will second the Samaritans but one I have great experience with is MIND who do such a lot for people with mental illness across the range of diagnoses. Brilliant organisation.

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Real charities - safe donations Empty Re: Real charities - safe donations

Post by anil39200 11.07.12 17:13

I will also recommend Red Cross. Age Cymru and Red Crescent. Again all from personal experience.

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