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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Mm11

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Portuguese Geography

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by worriedmum 02.12.14 13:55

PeterMac wrote:
Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Finally! A subject to which I can bring some genuine expertise...

Clearly right footed. Excellent body shape and good follow through. .

They both claim to be Left footers.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by aiyoyo 02.12.14 15:33

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:

Bend it like Beckham?

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OMG, is that photoshopped?  

That's exactly same poise as St. Kate - arms wide apart and right foot in the air !

Except St Kate had no footwear on, hence my impression she was participating in the game, and not suddenly confronted by a ball.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by secrets and lies 02.12.14 15:59

The picture of The McCanns leaving the Prai De Luz church is another one that sends chills. It has the look of two lotto winners suddenly thrust into the spotlight. Still wearing cheap summer clothes but on their way to bigger and better. One loving being spotted by the cameras the other looking a bit stressed about what to do with the upcoming windfall.

Joking aside, I must say again that I have NEVER EVER seen such a carefree looking couple who have just had their eldest child stolen. It really is phantasmagorical. If such a word exists. Hard to find the correct word to sum up the lack of regard in their eyes.
secrets and lies
secrets and lies

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by aiyoyo 02.12.14 19:55

secrets and lies wrote:The picture of The McCanns leaving the Prai De Luz church is another one that sends chills. It has the look of two lotto winners suddenly thrust into the spotlight. Still wearing cheap summer clothes but on their way to bigger and better. One loving being spotted by the cameras the other looking a bit stressed about what to do with the upcoming windfall.

Joking aside, I must say again that I have NEVER EVER seen such a carefree looking couple who have just had their eldest child stolen. It really is phantasmagorical. If such a word exists. Hard to find the correct word to sum up the lack of regard in their eyes.

Agree with you there absolutely.
Phantasmagorical is probably still an understatment.
They are abnormal by any standard.
They'd to be lying from start to finish for 7 long years now.  
They knew exactly what happened to her.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Monty Heck 02.12.14 21:26

missbeetle wrote:I've been thinking about Kate's 'rocks' - first mentioned in her book here, in July 2007 :

And there would be several visits to ‘my rocks’ – a quiet part of the beach away from the promenade. As swimmers and sunbathers preferred the sandy stretches, this area, where the rocks reached down to the water, was usually deserted, and afforded me some shelter and privacy. I still go back there on my visits to Praia da Luz to be on my own.

...and then again in December 2009 :

Gerry and I were able to seek solace at Nossa Senhora da Luz, I spent time at my rocks on the beach and we caught up with friends. To this day I still return quietly to Luz from time to time to feel Madeleine close to me.
McCann, Kate (2011-05-12). Madeleine: Our daughter's disappearance and the continuing search for her (Kindle Locations 5163-5164). Transworld. Kindle Edition.

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(aerial view of Praia da Luz snipped from

I take it the rocky promontory to the left of the photograph is the place she means...

...and the rows of black dots are palm trees along the promenade.

Some different views :
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(snipped from, with thanks)

Below left Kate is pictured on the rocks with whom I believe is Linda McQueen and her daughter (Kate's goddaughter)  :
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...and on the right, with Gerry in September 2007 - I think that's Cuddle Cat on her lap.

These rocks seem to be of some emotional significance to Kate, but why that is, I don't know...
The rocks in the photo bottom right aren't in the same area as the others, the so called "Kate's rocks" as this photo was taken at a photo shoot at the hotel Vila Luz in PDL, shortly before the arguido interviews.  The hotel roof can be seen in the background and the rocks on which the couple sit are not right on the edge of the sea but inland a little.  What is particularly striking is how relaxed and happy they both appear (perhaps more evident when the zoom function is used), they could be any couple perfectly at ease, enjoying the sunshine and the moment.  This was the time when things began to go sour in PDL which would be difficult to guess from this image.
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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Tender times in Praia da Luz...

Post by missbeetle 03.12.14 19:30

Thanks all for pointing out Kate knows how to kick a ball properly - interesting!

I thought she looked all manner of clumsy - I know nothing of soccer.

I hope she thrashes Gerry out in the Rothley garden pitch...

...given half the chance.

Thanks also, Monty Heck for clarifying their photoshoot location.

Gerry and Kate at around the same place in early June, 2007 :

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Whatever Gerry's trying to talk her in to -

- Kate's not at all convinced...!

My thoughts only.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
(from Lord Byron's 'Don Juan', 1823)

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Monty Heck 03.12.14 20:56

missbeetle wrote:Thanks all for pointing out Kate knows how to kick a ball properly - interesting!

I thought she looked all manner of clumsy - I know nothing of soccer.

I hope she thrashes Gerry out in the Rothley garden pitch...

...given half the chance.

Thanks also, Monty Heck for clarifying their photoshoot location.

Gerry and Kate at around the same place in early June, 2007 :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Whatever Gerry's trying to talk her in to -

- Kate's not at all convinced...!

My thoughts only.
No prolem missb.  The building behind the McCs in the above is the Fortaleza da Luz, whereas the other photo was taken at the Vila Luz on the Urbanacao Ponta da Gaviota, about 10 mins walk further west.  It probably matters not, other than to illustrate that another similar rocky location was favoured with a photoshoot,  It also probably matters not but in the above image, KMcC appears deathly pale, thin and almost ethereal, quite a contrast to the tanned athleticism of the soccer ball beach shot, and yes, she does appear almost to shudder at whatever G has to say here!
Monty Heck

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 04.12.14 10:11

Monty Heck wrote:

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No prolem missb.  The building behind the McCs in the above is the Fortaleza da Luz, whereas the other photo was taken at the Vila Luz on the Urbanacao Ponta da Gaviota, about 10 mins walk further west.  It probably matters not, other than to illustrate that another similar rocky location was favoured with a photoshoot,  It also probably matters not but in the above image, KMcC appears deathly pale, thin and almost ethereal, quite a contrast to the tanned athleticism of the soccer ball beach shot, and yes, she does appear almost to shudder at whatever G has to say here!

She looks incredibly like the mother from The Missing in this photo - or perhaps it's the other way around?

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by PeterMac 04.12.14 11:21

Clay Regazzoni wrote:
She looks incredibly like the mother from The Missing in this photo - or perhaps it's the other way around?

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The Missing (BBC1) is a new eight-part series about a child abduction.
It borrows shamelessly from Scandi-dramas and the Madeleine McCann case, yet manages to avoid feeling like a ragbag of different influences and was actually quite enjoyable, with tonight's episode offering a mix of anxiety and heartbreak.
Mum, dad and child are on holiday in France and everything is sweet and lovely. It's actually a bit saccharine, as they laugh and frolic in a sunny meadow, then gather to make daisy chains. These twee family scenes felt very forced. I could easily imagine the director waving his hands behind the camera, instructing the actors to pile on more schmaltz, more middle-class familial bliss.
Clearly, no subtlety was allowed. This was to be the tale of a perfect child snatched from a perfect family. Wouldn't it be interesting to have a missing child drama on a grotty council estate? That would certainly call for a deft touch with room for a frosty subtext of whether or not the requisite junkie/single mother/scrounger was a good parent, and perhaps they brought it on themselves? But that might just be too subtle for prime-time BBC1, so we stick with the middle class parents.
Their sunny family holiday turns dark during a World Cup game. Tony (James Nesbitt) and his son, Olly, have been swimming. They're thirsty and push their way into a crowded bar where everyone is watching the football.
Tony kept Olly close to him and a brilliant sense of dread slowly began to build. We saw the bar from little Olly's viewpoint, down low amongst the suffocating crowd, amidst the shoving and the shouting. A place where a child could easily get lost.
He let Olly's hand go, just for a second, so he could pay for the drinks. In that instant, France scored against Brazil and the crowd rose to their feet. In the sudden rush, Tony lost sight of his son.
The subsequent scenes were horribly tense as Tony fought his way through a crowd who were oblivious to his panic. All eyes were fixed on the football, not on him, as he ran through the crowd and out into the summer night shouting for his son, but Olly had vanished.
Placing this scene in a happy crowd was a stroke of brilliance, showing how isolated and afraid Tony was, and how the crowd simply didn't care. This feeling of alienation in a foreign land was also cleverly teased out by the use of subtitles. They were employed when the French detectives were speaking to one another, but whenever Tony was present the subtitles vanished, leaving us frowning at the rapid French and sharing Tony's helplessness.
Because we were so steeped in his anxiety it was hard to see where the storyline might go. The French detective had declared of the missing boy, 'sadly, we find him immediately or not at all' and, of course, they didn't find him immediately. Instead they found clues which suggested he'd been taken to a dimly-lit basement and that doesn't bode well.
So in case the central plotline flops, there were lots of little subplots unfurling: we see from a flash-forward that Tony's wife has left him and is now living with one of the English detectives, whilst one of the French cops is now 'rotting in prison' for an unspecified reason.
The story does borrow heavily from the Madeleine McCann case: a child snatched in a foreign holiday resort; the mother clutching at a favourite cuddly toy; British police parachuted in; accusations the case was mishandled; the locals grow resentful of the media attention and a book is published about it all.
Some may fret over the morality of using the McCann case for simple entertainment but as long as the resultant programme is brilliant then I'm fine with it but, so far, The Missing isn't brilliant. It's good, peppered with some excellent moments, and tugs nicely at the heartstrings, but that doesn't justify plundering the McCann case for some good story tips.

I haven'e seen it, and therefore hadn't realised HOW heavily it had been copied from the version of the truth.

Time to sue ?

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by MrsC 04.12.14 11:29

Clay Regazzoni wrote:

She looks incredibly like the mother from The Missing in this photo - or perhaps it's the other way around?

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by guest3 04.12.14 14:14

This is my first post on the forum proper, so hello!  I would just like to say that after not really having taken much notice of this case for years I was totally shocked when I realised that it had polarised people so much.  After I began to read things on the internet and watch the many video clips I was amazed at how much info there was. This has obviously been stoked by the release of the portugese police files.  But the comment that I wanted to make here is that I was struck by how much the personalities of Kate and Gerry had seemed to be at least part of the provocation.  I saw a headline in the Guardian ( but never actually got around to reading the article) that begged precisely the question as to why people had been so divided. 

The late Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing once commented that we have a very extensive vocabulary to describe disturbed people but a very large void for describing disturbing people.  Laing also wrote extensivley about how peoples mental health was very disturbed by mystification, especially when you may feel something to be one thing but are told that it is another.  I feel very much an outsider looking in at this case and the furore that has surrounded it, but I have never come across more obvious attempts to mystify, bamboozle and befuddle people than I have in this case.  I, perhaps wrongly, see The Missing as part of this campaign of mystification.  The frigidly pinched mother and unsympathetically agressive father are understood and forgiven when we see the images of the little boy at the window. Who could fail to be moved and horrified by such an image?  And if the warm and sympathetic detective can bury the morals that have guided him all his life then what right have we to judge - because after all, the gloves are well and truly off when it comes to paedophiles - kill them all! Everything is muddy - what is right? What is wrong? And all the time Madeleine is ever more firmly linked in the public mind with paedophiles. But the truth is noone knows what happened and there is no evidence that Kate and Gerry are guilty of anything but their odd stance and blatant distortions continue to provoke an uncertainty, suspicion and unease that seems to have reached right down into the guts of many people and left them feeling angry and disorientated.

Laing worked for the Tavistock Institute.  We mustn't forget that mental health research may tell us something about how to help people who have psychological difficulties but it can also tell us quite alot about to manipulate people and perhaps even send them mad!

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Liz Eagles 04.12.14 14:25

doircann wrote:This is my first post on the forum proper, so hello!  I would just like to say that after not really having taken much notice of this case for years I was totally shocked when I realised that it had polarised people so much.  After I began to read things on the internet and watch the many video clips I was amazed at how much info there was. This has obviously been stoked by the release of the portugese police files.  But the comment that I wanted to make here is that I was struck by how much the personalities of Kate and Gerry had seemed to be at least part of the provocation.  I saw a headline in the Guardian ( but never actually got around to reading the article) that begged precisely the question as to why people had been so divided. 

The late Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing once commented that we have a very extensive vocabulary to describe disturbed people but a very large void for describing disturbing people.  Laing also wrote extensivley about how peoples mental health was very disturbed by mystification, especially when you may feel something to be one thing but are told that it is another.  I feel very much an outsider looking in at this case and the furore that has surrounded it, but I have never come across more obvious attempts to mystify, bamboozle and befuddle people than I have in this case.  I, perhaps wrongly, see The Missing as part of this campaign of mystification.  The frigidly pinched mother and unsympathetically agressive father are understood and forgiven when we see the images of the little boy at the window. Who could fail to be moved and horrified by such an image?  And if the warm and sympathetic detective can bury the morals that have guided him all his life then what right have we to judge - because after all, the gloves are well and truly off when it comes to paedophiles - kill them all! Everything is muddy - what is right? What is wrong? And all the time Madeleine is ever more firmly linked in the public mind with paedophiles. But the truth is noone knows what happened and there is no evidence that Kate and Gerry are guilty of anything but their odd stance and blatant distortions continue to provoke an uncertainty, suspicion and unease that seems to have reached right down into the guts of many people and left them feeling angry and disorientated.

Laing worked for the Tavistock Institute.  We mustn't forget that mental health research may tell us something about how to help people who have psychological difficulties but it can also tell us quite alot about to manipulate people and perhaps even send them mad!
Try reading the files and the rogatory interviews in particular.

Then look at Clarence Mitchell and his most extraordinary involvement.

Then, and only then if you feel there is a mental health issue instead of blatant lies, manipulation for money on the back of the disappearance of a child of three years old.

Once you've had a look at the files and the statements and the rogatory interviews and the PR machine then and only then you might want to look at Laing and make excuses for just about anything.

In the meantime, a television production such as The Missing isn't something imo to base anything upon.
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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by aiyoyo 04.12.14 15:24

Gerry and Kate at around the same place in early June, 2007 :

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Interesting pic.  Odd rather !  
Both were dressed in semi-smart casuals (Gerry in business pants, collar T-shirt, leather shoes; and Kate in her by her standard smart scandals (not her usual favourtie dog-muzzle-kind scandals ), appearing to be taking respite on a rock on a sea front.
Their dressing is so out of place for the venue, which begs the question what were they doing there dressed that way?

Who took their photo and why was it released? dWho knew they went there?  
You got to wonder whether it was a pre-arranged photoshot, or were they chanced upon by journalist-photographer and were snapped unbeknown to them?  

It's definitely not image of a pair of disheavelled parents out looking for their missing child in their distraught state - not dressed like them - besides no normal people dressed in smart casuals to go to a rocky sea front.

 Very strange  behavior,  whatever they were doing there.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by guest3 04.12.14 16:13

to aquilo. You seem to misunderstand me. I did not say that this case is a mental health issue. I said that it is being used, for reasons unknown to me, to manipulate people.  For instance there have been certain crazy elements like the whole Victoria Beckham and Barcelona debacle which makes no sense whatsoever.  I made the point only that the people around the McCanns seem to be deliberately trying to wind people up and , if you don't mind me saying, seem to be succeeding. I personally surmise that there are much darker issues at play than money.  People on the margins of both pro and anti Mccann seem to have slid off the ends of rationality and cling on to and battle for their own pet theories as if some part of their own psychological make up was very much in play. I dare say a fair few of them have been banned off this forum.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by secrets and lies 04.12.14 16:40

Hi Doircann,

Not entirely sure what to make of your points. Yes, there are extremes of view on both the pro and anti-McCann side. Yes, so public and over-exposed a case as this one is bound to attract all sorts of people and energies. Including a multitude of cranks and people who could not be described as being, sadly, in the full of their mental health. 

However, it is not in any way accurate to state that "there is no evidence " that the McCanns are guilty of anything but an "odd stance, distortions.." etc.,

They are guilty of leaving their three children alone in an unlocked apartment in a foreign city, out of their field of vision for extended periods and for that reason extremely vulnerable.  In the confusion that The McCanns have brought to this story, people may have forgotten that they are guilty of child neglect and have already wasted millions in taxpayers money by default, while other missing children are ignored. 

They are guilty of telling contradictory versions of the alleged events of that night.

They are guilty of refusing to answer a multitude of questions with regard to their actions that night.

They are guilty of employing a massive PR machine and legal team to shut down any criticism of them as parents, individuals or anything other than that which they expect  the public to regard them as. In other words, victims.

Shall I continue. Do we have enough here?

It would be wise to read the files in order to fully understand the level of anger and indignation you will find directed at them on this forum. An anger that is rational, logical and perfectly understandable and not in any way influenced by our joint mental health or capacity to be polarised or hypnotised.
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secrets and lies

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Woofer 04.12.14 16:43

doircann wrote:to aquilo. You seem to misunderstand me. I did not say that this case is a mental health issue. I said that it is being used, for reasons unknown to me, to manipulate people.  For instance there have been certain crazy elements like the whole Victoria Beckham and Barcelona debacle which makes no sense whatsoever.  I made the point only that the people around the McCanns seem to be deliberately trying to wind people up and , if you don't mind me saying, seem to be succeeding. I personally surmise that there are much darker issues at play than money.  People on the margins of both pro and anti Mccann seem to have slid off the ends of rationality and cling on to and battle for their own pet theories as if some part of their own psychological make up was very much in play. I dare say a fair few of them have been banned off this forum.

An interesting post doircann and good points made, particularly about posters` individual psychological make-ups. Every poster will be expressing their own theories which are inevitably based on their own issues to a lesser or greater degree.  However keeping it simple, there are basic criteria which stand out regarding this mystery - most can be gleaned from Goncalo`s book.

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by guest3 04.12.14 17:06

Hello Woofer, Yikes ! I'm really sorry it's obvious that I expressed myself badly. I'm not implying anything about the psychology of people posting on this forum! I think that this is a very well-balanced forum.  What i am trying to say is that the McCann case itself has a strange psychological element.  I take Aquila's point about reading all the material and I have read quite a bit - it boggles the mind.  But so much of it doesn't add up. I find none of the theories credible and am particularly suspicous about the role of the British establishment in all of this which is inexplicable unless you start to think some very dark things.  Plus what rational person would write what kate wrote about genitals in her book? Who can help but stand open mouthed when British police officers are searching waste ground in Praia da Luz as the despairing locals are reduced to writing rude messages about them on walls?  It all smacks of a theatre of the macabre.  It is so far off the wall that it has pushed people to start abusing each other and fighting over things when noone knows what happened. But something happened and I think forums like this have done a good job of keeping this alive when people like me couldn't care less. But that notwithstanding there is something that does not add up about this case that is answered by no theory that I have seen  I just think that bemusing, provoking, befuddling and confusing and influencing people through all forms of media, including and perhaps especially drama is a hallmark of this case.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Guest 04.12.14 17:37


I get what you're saying. I think! smilie

This is, indeed, surely the most complex and multilayered case ever. A labyrinth of dead-ends, deliberate confusion, never-ending loops and hidden secrets.

Peek under one lid and the squirming worms spring to life exponentially.  Satisfy yourself you've got something straight in your mind but then you'll always find an extra stitch on that particular needle that you can't knit in. Chuck in the government intervention and the whispers in Martin Grime's ear at the airport and, well, what are you supposed to think?

It has been suggested at times that this whole thing is a massive social experiment to measure the inpact of the internet on cases previously researched behind closed doors. Or it was a carefully planned attempt to... what?...which was instigated more than a year before the Portugal trip.

Or the McCanns are reluctant beneficiaries of a protection ring due to them being in the wrong (or right?) place at the wrong (or right?) time.

Or Madeleine never existed at all.

It has become a psychological journey into the surreal and much as a practical hunt for a missing child.

As ever in this case, just theory, speculation, paranoia and random thoughts.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by missbeetle 04.12.14 17:45

Outstanding post there, Dee Coy - thank you.

'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always strange...
(from Lord Byron's 'Don Juan', 1823)

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Brian Griffin 04.12.14 17:50

aiyoyo wrote:Gerry and Kate at around the same place in early June, 2007 :

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Interesting pic.  Odd rather !  
Both were dressed in semi-smart casuals (Gerry in business pants, collar T-shirt, leather shoes; and Kate in her by her standard smart scandals (not her usual favourtie dog-muzzle-kind scandals ), appearing to be taking respite on a rock on a sea front.
Their dressing is so out of place for the venue, which begs the question what were they doing there dressed that way?

Who took their photo and why was it released? dWho knew they went there?  
You got to wonder whether it was a pre-arranged photoshot, or were they chanced upon by journalist-photographer and were snapped unbeknown to them?  

It's definitely not image of a pair of disheavelled parents out looking for their missing child in their distraught state - not dressed like them - besides no normal people dressed in smart casuals to go to a rocky sea front.

 Very strange  behavior,  whatever they were doing there.[/quote]

She's doing a 'Princess Di'.

(They've probably sent the dog-muzzle ones to Eddie and Keela with a horse's head)

 In my opinion.

"Looking for Madeleine"? - Lying for the McCanns! (In my opinion)
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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by guest3 04.12.14 18:24

Dee coy - so beautifully put!  Thank you.   

I understand why people pour over every photograph and every youtube video to try to make sense of this. It has perhaps become a means of trying to make sense of many things that are going on at the moment.  But Richard Hall's documentary made one thing very clear and that was that a cover up by the media, much of which was initially very sceptical, has taken place and that the government and secret services seem to have jumped in right from the start for reasons that are not at all clear.  

Now place this against the widescale sexual abuse that has gone on in north Wales, Islington, Dolphin Square, Jersey, and all the rest. Margaret Hodge who presided over Islington Council when children in care were being widely abused is still Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. Our nation is corrupt right up to the top.  Yet, apathy amongst the general population and a certain willed blindness means that Jimmy Savile could do what he wanted, seemingly wherever he wanted and ...? What else has happened and is happening of which we are blissfully unaware? 

What interests me is how people are kept compliant in this whole process.  If drama is used to manipulate perceptions of the McCann case then how and in what direction are perceptions being shepherded? By gaining an insight into how the public is being played we may gain a greater understanding of what game is really being played. If we are being pushed to believe that Madeleine was abducted by a paedophile then it is highly possible that this is not the case.  Some seem to believe that Madeleine was killed accidentally and that this was covered up - why would the British govt. jump in to save the skin of two obscure doctors? What underlying themes exist in this case that may link it to other mysterious cases of which there are many in Britain? It is likely that an examination of underlying themes would yield more results than other avenues that may have been exhausted.

This is what I am trying to say. There may be other ways of examining this case that may not be instantly obvious.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Dr What 04.12.14 19:59

In my opinion, the Blair/Brown years in power were one of the most corrupt and manipulative.

In 2007, Brown was drawn into the McCann affair.Initially, he possibly thought that it was a popular cause to support.He gave full Government support to a family in Portugal who he thought would make him popular.No-one in power at the time really gave a damn about the McCanns.It was the potential positive media attention that made them attractive to Brown.

The McCanns ,of course, started to create problems.Statements did not add up and it became obvious that they had neglected their children.Senior diplomatic staff sent to help, started to advise caution in support of the McCanns.But Brown was in too far.He could not afford to look foolish.Thus the cover-up started.The confusion started.Quietly, Brown distanced himself from the affair.

But once a cover-up starts, it has to be continued...'national security' is used as a block.We all know it is more akin to 'personal protection' or 'reputational protection'.The McCanns were known as stupid and vacuous, but Brown was in so deep with Socrates, that he could not back out now.

Ever since, the McCanns have enjoyed a level of calm that they do not deserve.The public know this and one day, the McCanns will have to publicly account for their actions.They do have the Fund to help them avoid the day of reckoning, but they have lost everything else.
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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Woofer 04.12.14 21:05

@ diorcann - "What interests me is how people are kept compliant in this whole process"

Do you mean those in the know (TPTB)  or the general population?  If you mean the general population, surely that always has been and still is quite easy, as most people are too busy coping with every day life to follow such a case, or any news items for that matter.

If you mean TPTB one only has to look at all the other cover ups, some of which you listed, to understand how easy it has been in the past - but perhaps not so easy recently.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Romance on the rocks in Praia da Luz...

Post by missbeetle 04.12.14 21:23

More scenery and sensitivity from Gerry :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(photograph dated 2nd June 2007)

Are they looking out towards Praia da Rocha - or have I got it wrong again?

Many thanks.

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Portuguese Geography - Page 5 Empty Re: Portuguese Geography

Post by Monty Heck 05.12.14 9:38

missbeetle wrote:More scenery and sensitivity from Gerry :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
(photograph dated 2nd June 2007)

Are they looking out towards Praia da Rocha - or have I got it wrong again?

Many thanks.
Afraid so, they are looking west - towards Burgau which is beyond the headland top left.
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