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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Mm11

Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Regist10
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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Mm11

Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Regist10

Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Empty Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

Post by Guest 20.05.12 9:14

20 May 2012 Last updated at 07:56

Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

The senior Scotland Yard officer in charge of three linked phone-hacking investigations will retire later this year, the Met has confirmed.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers notified her bosses last autumn that she planned to leave after the Olympic Games.

She is leading inquiries into phone hacking, claims of police corruption and computer crime.

With the Met for 36 years, she has testified at the Leveson Inquiry.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said on Sunday: "Deputy Assistant Commissioner (DAC) Sue Akers is due to retire later this year after 36 years service with the MPS.

"The DAC signalled her intention to retire this autumn when she took charge of investigations into phone-hacking and related corruption and computer crime."

She has led Operation Weeting since January 2011, overseeing a team of 60 officers looking at alleged phone hacking at the now-closed News of the World.

The second investigation - Operation Elveden - is looking at emails received from News International that allegedly show payments made to police by the NoW.

Operation Tuleta, the third inquiry, is looking at allegations that computers were hacked to obtain private information.

Ms Akers has also been leading police inquiries into the potential involvement of intelligence services in relation to detainees held abroad.

Deputy Commissioner Craig Mackey said of her planned departure: "Considerable resources have been dedicated to investigating phone-hacking and related offences and the officers on these operations will continue to follow all evidence of suspected criminality.

"The importance of the continuity of leadership will of course be taken into account when the future command structure for Operations Weeting, Elveden and Tuleta is considered."

So they knew she was going to retire and yet put her in charge of the investigation, surely you would pick someone that could see it through to the end?

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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Empty Re: Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

Post by PeterMac 20.05.12 11:14

candyfloss wrote:
So they knew she was going to retire and yet put her in charge of the investigation, surely you would pick someone that could see it through to the end?
Or not, as the case may be !
Two possible spins on that aspect. Or more.

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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Empty Re: Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

Post by uppatoffee 20.05.12 11:23

Maybe she's planning to have it all finished off by then!!!

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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Empty Re: Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

Post by PeterMac 20.05.12 11:30

uppatoffee wrote:Maybe she's planning to have it all finished off by then!!!
Or to retire and write her best selling book about it all, ready for when it does finish.

Just as an aside, does anyone else support the idea that there should be a permanent Leveson enquiry, keeping tabs on politicians and journalists - forever.

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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire Empty Re: Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire

Post by jd 20.05.12 11:55

This is bad news. Akers was the only one I had any trust in...guess the freemasons got their way. This country makes me vomit

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