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Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately Mm11

Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately Mm11

Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately Regist10

Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately

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Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately Empty Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately

Post by Tony Bennett 31.10.10 11:30

I took a look at the McCanns' official 'Find Madeleine' site this morning and was surprised to see a new video up there featuring a bloke whom the McCanns want to trace:


There are many out there and who are either actively looking for Madeleine, or keep saying that everybody should be doing so, is the latest.

I think the video clip, about 40 seconds, is from the Channel 4 'Mockumentary'.

The 'Find Madeleine' website flashes this message across film of a man apparently seen outside the McCanns' holiday apartment: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?

For those who have not seen the actual clip yet, or at all, here's a summary of what we know about him from the film:

He is:

* white
* about 5'9" to 6' 0" tall [180-185 cm]
* short-to-medium length mid-brown hair
* when apparently sen in Praia da Luz, was wearing a pale yellow T-shirt
* he wore pale blue jeans
* he sometimes had a leather black jacket on (probably when it was a touch colder)
* he kept on taking his sunglasses on and off
* he would stand and stare for long periods whilst hanging around more or less under the McCanns' apartment
* he would stare at passers-by with children
* he would peer over walls.

If you think you have seen this man, please telephone 0845 838 4699.

It may be that you saw him in Praia da Luz between 1,278 and 1,285 days ago when Madeleine McCann was in Praia da Luz in 2007.

I think this may be Suspect No. 16 - and I am not sure where the description comes from - except from the film-makers of the Mockumentary.

So far, we have seen artist's impressions of 15 different 'suspects'. I believe 13 have been men and 2 of them women.

Just to clarify, what I mean here by 'suspects' includes 'persons of interest' and 'people we wish to eliminate from our enquiries', though 'suspects' sounds much more interesting.

Those of you who wish to find out about the latest 'top' persons of interest can view this lower down the Find Madeleine 'home page' - and here they are now in reverse order:

At No. 3 - The Victoria Beckham-lookalike seen acting suspiciously on Barcelona's dockyard - she may have said "Have you got my daughter?" to a British banker who had been drinking heavily in about a dozen of Barcelona's bars until 2am, and then agonisingly agonised for over two years before contacting the official police force, the Policia Judiciara The McCanns' private detectives

At No. 2 this month - 'Pock-marked face'-man, yet another bloke seen lurking suspiciously around Praia da Luz

And at this month's No. 1 - As he has been for so long, and still not knocked off his perch - Bundleman.


So, we have dealt with the man the McCanns most want you to contact - pale-yellow-T-shirt-man-who-keeps- on-taking-his-sunglasses-on-and-off.

And we've helped you identify this month's other top three suspects a.k.a. 'persons of interest' a.k.a. 'people we wish to eliminate from our enquiries'.

But what about those who might see Madeleine today on the streets of their village or town?

Well, for completeness, and UNCUT, here's the latest advice from the Clarence Mitchell and Brian Kennedy-headed MCann Team:


If you think you see Madeleine:

1) Report to the local police IMMEDIATELY !!
( Please use link to get the police emergency number for the country you are visiting before you leave.)

2) Is there CCTV at the location? Ask for it to be retained.

3) Did the individuals purchase anything (electronic payment) - thereby leaving a 'footprint'?

4) Did they leave in a vehicle? Try to take registration details.

5) If possible, discreetly take video or photo evidence to be examined by the police.


P.S. We will bring you news of Suspect No. 17 as soon as we have it
Tony Bennett
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Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately Empty Re: Is this suspect No. 16? - Please contact the McCanns if you've seen him lately

Post by sharonl 31.10.10 15:30

Something is not quite right with this, could the Tapas nine have been suffering from short term memory loss as a result of heat exhaustion? why was this not mentioned on the 3rd May 2007 or earlier?

Extracts -from Kate and Gerry`s statements 4 May 2007

a)He has no suspects to point out, he cannot find any motive for such an act, as neither he nor his wife has any enemies.

b)He never saw any strange behaviour during these. days nor anything that had led him to such a conclusion."

c)He has no other elements to bring to the process, desiring the appropriate criminal procedure and (the person) caught for the act he was a victim of.

Are we to believe that this man, who has the intention of committing a serious crime, was openly hanging around outside the McCanns apartment,in broad daylight, looking over the walls, staring at other people who had children?

Where was his camera to take photo`s for the rich folk? remember the abductor was a gypsy, we have this on good authority from Antonella Lazerri in her preposterous article on a letter from Raymond Hewlett.

There were nine adults in the group, did any of them see this man? Someone must have noticed, but if not, then who did?

If a tapas member did see this guy acting suspiciously why did they not alert the rest of the group? or, did they?

The boundaries of good parenting?

1. Kate McCann had a premonition that something really bad would happen on this holiday
2. This man was suspiciously watching the apartment. According to the McCanns, someone must have been watching the apartment for days.
3. Madeleine was upset about being left alone and allegedly questioned Kate as to why

So what does a good parent do when they have a bad feeling, when someone is watching the apartment and the child is upset at night? Oh, yes, they go off to the Tapas bar with thier mates, after all it was their holiday too.

As for "suspects" or "persons of interest" I think that "persons of interest to the McCanns own agenda" may be a more fitting title.

Bundleman will always be at no.1 since he is a subject of star witness, or should I say, only witness - Jane (I am not a fantasist or a liar) Tanner.
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