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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by plebgate Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:57 am

ShuBob wrote:Do not underestimate the damage done to the couple's party line by the fact Brits set up a fund to pay for Amaral's appeal. They can criticize Amaral and the Portuguese legal system but what can they say about his British supporters? Calling us trolls doesn't cut it anymore.
Good post and very true imo thumbsup

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by plebgate Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:59 am

pendragon2007 wrote:Do I detect just a slight indication of a change in the tide. The last person to ignore the tide did not come out so well. Mind you I expect the McCann lifeboat team headed by Prince of PR crap CM will be coming to the rescue.

Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Canute10
Love your post, one complaint though - I see you have downgraded him from The King of PR to Prince of PR.   I am seething. big grin

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by aiyoyo Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:02 am

Cmaryholmes wrote:Seems strange, though that they would withdraw from an interview with Lorraine. She has never asked them any challenging questions, just fawned over them and helped them justify themselves. I would have thought in their present position this would be just what they needed. 

They could use the opportunity to turn it around to serve them.
They could say they are appealing, don't want to waste valuable time discussing that as it distracts from their objective to come on the show ie to appeal for Maddie safe return, and what could Lorraine do with that? Not much I guess. Lorraine can't direct or take conversational topic anywhere if guests clamped up and refused to talk about it.

When Gerry does not like interviewer's question he proved he is capable of standing up in a fury and walking away from the interview. The only thing stopping repeat of that is he's on UK TV and that sort of bad behavior won't look good for him.
He is notorious also at deflecting interviewer's unwanted question. So what's the problem - he proved he can handle it before, why not now?

Using their defeat to withdraw is just lame excuse, very telling of their priorites!


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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by aiyoyo Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:07 am

ShuBob wrote:Do not underestimate the damage done to the couple's party line by the fact Brits set up a fund to pay for Amaral's appeal. They can criticize Amaral and the Portuguese legal system but what can they say about his British supporters? Calling us trolls doesn't cut it anymore.

I vote this "post of the day".

Yes, I agree.  
They fear onslaught of question on why so many Brits (trolls) support Amaral.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by suzyjohnson Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:22 am

aiyoyo wrote:

Cmaryholmes wrote:Seems strange, though that they would withdraw from an interview with Lorraine. She has never asked them any challenging questions, just fawned over them and helped them justify themselves. I would have thought in their present position this would be just what they needed. 

They could use the opportunity to turn it around to serve them.  
They could say they are appealing, don't want to waste valuable time discussing that as it distracts from their objective to come on the show ie to appeal for Maddie safe return, and what could Lorraine do with that?  Not much I guess.  Lorraine can't direct or take conversational topic anywhere if guests clamped up and refused to talk about it.
When Gerry does not like interviewer's question he proved he is capable of standing up in a fury and walking away from the interview.  The only thing stopping repeat of that is he's on UK TV and that sort of bad behavior won't look good for him.  
He is notorious also at deflecting interviewer's unwanted question. So what's the problem - he proved he can handle it before, why not now?

Perhaps Kate is refusing to face any more of this? She might realise that this is never going to go away now, and if Gerry was responsible for some rash decision making at the beginning of all this, he might be getting the blame.

What must be very clear to the McCanns now, is that it doesn't actually make a difference whether they win or lose the next round in court, the Portuguese are now being heard by the British and the McCanns will never be able to put the genie back in the bottle.



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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by pennylane Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:24 am

aiyoyo wrote:
ShuBob wrote:Do not underestimate the damage done to the couple's party line by the fact Brits set up a fund to pay for Amaral's appeal. They can criticize Amaral and the Portuguese legal system but what can they say about his British supporters? Calling us trolls doesn't cut it anymore.

I vote this "post of the day".

Yes, I agree.  
They fear onslaught of question on why so many Brits (trolls) support Amaral.
I second that vote!

It's nigh impossible for Team McCann to spin this away and come out on top. Their long, glorious days of bullying threats, and greedy demands are history!

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by whatsupdoc Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:31 am

If the huge sum for costs were to be mentioned, it would follow that the Fund would need topping up.

This shows to the people who ran events and donated money that their money was not going to be used to Look for Madeleine but on big legal fees.

They could hardly mention that all 3 Judges voted in favour of Goncalo Amaral.

Lorraine could hardly ask what was in the Truth of the Lie book that the McCanns objected to.

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Macs. Yes, it's been awful.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by Portia Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:41 am

Strange to have this interview planned to practically coincide with the date of the Appeal Courts' decision. 

They must have been led on to believe that the decision was going to be in their favor. 'No, my dear prosperous clients, you cannot possible lose this case; I guarantee!' 

We all know what lawyers will do to prop up their wallet clientele

Then, the decision, which must have hit, badly

They must be considering if they intend to keep on ID as their legal counsel 

Or if the want someone else to take over the whole case, before the Supreme Court. 

Which would mean this successor would have to get himself acquainted with all the files, the complete dossier since 2007.

My guess is, that this would require an advance payment of around GBP 50.000, the balance to be paid upon completion (decision of the Supreme Court)

Please remember that if they do not have that amount of cash laying about somewhere themselves, and if some Johnnie Do-Good (say: double glazer Kennedy, Richard Branson of mr Cliff Richard, never mind who) gave them the money, they would be liable to pay taxes on the amount, added to their own other income(s)

If the money was loaned to them, they would have to repay the good samaritan. 

In their place, I would keep very quiet, and do nothing. Eventually, people might be forgetful enough to forgive, or just to put the whole thing out of their minds. 

Worse things happen at sea

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by aiyoyo Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:44 am

whatsupdoc wrote:If the huge sum for costs were to be mentioned, it would follow that the Fund would need topping up.

Lorraine could hardly ask what was in the Truth of the Lie book that the McCanns objected to.

Lorraine could ask if Mccann's Maddie fund would be used to settle legal and court costs.
Or Lorraine could innocuously dropped them into a very unpleasant situation should she mention Fund and legal costs settlement in the same line.
That would be very inconvenient to her guests.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by Mirage Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:45 am

I have a feeling many in the media and the political world are looking at tactical withdrawal. How some of them will manage it I don't know - they have left their clog-sized footprints all over the case.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by whatsupdoc Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:08 am

aiyoyo wrote:
whatsupdoc wrote:If the huge sum for costs were to be mentioned, it would follow that the Fund would need topping up.

Lorraine could hardly ask what was in the Truth of the Lie book that the McCanns objected to.

Lorraine could ask if Mccann's Maddie fund would be used to settle legal and court costs.
Or Lorraine could innocuously dropped them into a very unpleasant situation should she mention Fund and legal costs settlement in the same line.
That would be very inconvenient to her guests.

It's the Producer on a program who is in overall control, so Lorraine follows that person's instructions. Asking the wrong questions may lose her the job.
The interview had to have been organised solely on the premise that the McCanns did win their case as stated earlier.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by Guest Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:15 am

The spin has been spun.  The lies and deceit weaved over the last 9 years are fraying at the edges.
What will be reported by msm next week as the anniversary looms?
Will it be rightfully about Madeleine or the seething parents? winkwink
What stories will be told!

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by Nina Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:19 am

In their absence Lorraine could issue a comforting statement saying how sad she is they cannot attend her programme and send them a lora lora love.

Not one more cent from me.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by ChippyM Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:58 am

TMH wrote:If they believe what's written in GA's book to be a pack of lies, then why have they turned down the chance to appear on Lorraine. It would have been a good chance for them to rubbish the book but no, they know that everything written is true.

They've lost their fight!

I think that's it, they know at least some of it is true but can't come out and deny it straight out. Before they relied on the years of legal proceedings to prove they had some sort of case to 'deny' what's in the book even though the actual libel was about 'distress' it was some sort of shield from questions. Add to that the book is out there as of yesterday, republished. 
 After years of the stress of keeping up a facade of togetherness and their version of events in front of a media circus I can imagine how stressfull that would be and how it could physically affect a person. I can even muster sympathy for how that would feel but then it is quickly diminished when I think that a 3 year old child was very likely killed and seemingly 'brushed under the carpet' like dirt because someone didn't want their cushy life interrupting.  I think it would be too much for at least one of them to hold it together when asked about the book.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by dottyaussie Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:07 pm

Hmmm I wonder who will fill the slot they're not taking now ?? Snr Amaral ??  THAT would be interesting to watch  ppcorn

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by pennylane Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:11 pm

Glimmer wrote:Hmmmm 
The spin has been spun.  The lies and deceit weaved over the last 9 years are fraying at the edges.
What will be reported by msm next week as the anniversary looms?
Will it be rightfully about Madeleine or the seething parents? winkwink
What stories will be told!

I guarantee they will be plotting this one with extreme caution, and their enablers will be attempting to bury deeply what has been a disastrous week for both the McCanns and Operation Grange!

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by aiyoyo Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:20 pm

Nina wrote:In their absence Lorraine could issue a comforting statement saying how sad she is they cannot attend her programme and send them a lora lora love.

Vs commiserating them on National TV in their presence (if nothing else).
Facial reactions captured on TV and beamed.
That,too, would be inconvenient and image damaging.

Not appearing is a reflection of defeatist attitude....
Speaks volume?

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by pennylane Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:34 pm

"They are also said to have turned down huge television and magazine interview offers from around the world."

Pffft, they're running like a pair of scared rabbits, just as they did the minute the British blood and cadaver dogs alerted to their apartment and hire car!

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by Verdi Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:40 pm

It's a bluff.  They simply can't full steam ahead with the usual anniversary coverage because of the awkward situation they find themselves in - what better under the circumstances than a backdoor approach.  The McCanns long since exhausted their media persona, the UK public are just not interested anymore - and who can blame them?  What have the McCanns now got to offer that hasn't been repeatedly repeated over a period of nine years - geeez, it's running a very close second to Eastenders.

Don't believe for a nano-second that they've turned down worldwide offers of exclusive interviews for this anniversary - why would they?  McCann v. Amaral and/or the Truth of the Lie has nothing whatsoever to do with the search for their child, as recently confirmed by the Lisbon courts.  This nonsense is but another PR spin to throw the McCanns in a good light - all be it a bit dim!

It's been a long gruelling phishing trip, now what's left but flounder.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by aiyoyo Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:48 pm

whatsupdoc wrote:
It's the Producer on a program who is in overall control, so Lorraine follows that person's instructions. Asking the wrong questions may lose her the job.
The interview had to have been organised solely on the premise that the McCanns did win their case as stated earlier.

Don't think it's so straight forward.
CM has always leaned on TV channels on what can and cannot be asked of his agreed scripts if you like, so what's changed now?  Was his request refused?

Programmes are planned and given time slot in advance.
Chances are this anniversary interview was promised to Lorraine months ahead but they hadn't reckoned for Appeal Court judgement to come in ahead of the interview date.  
Can't risk facing embarrassing questions so rescind promise.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by aiyoyo Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:54 pm

pennylane wrote:"They are also said to have turned down huge television and magazine interview offers from around the world."

Pffft, they're running like a pair of scared rabbits, just as they did the minute the British blood and cadaver dogs alerted to their apartment and hire car!

They had shamelessly courted the press and media jumping onto every show that will give them a voice to have their say. What's changed?
Image limitation control gone pear shape?

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by pennylane Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:56 pm

Verdi wrote:It's a bluff.  They simply can't full steam ahead with the usual anniversary coverage because of the awkward situation they find themselves in - what better under the circumstances than a backdoor approach.  The McCanns long since exhausted their media persona, the UK public are just not interested anymore - and who can blame them?  What have the McCanns now got to offer that hasn't been repeatedly repeated over a period of nine years - geeez, it's running a very close second to Eastenders.

Don't believe for a nano-second that they've turned down worldwide offers of exclusive interviews for this anniversary - why would they?  McCann v. Amaral and/or the Truth of the Lie has nothing whatsoever to do with the search for their child, as recently confirmed by the Lisbon courts.  This nonsense is but another PR spin to throw the McCanns in a good light - all be it a bit dim!

It's been a long gruelling phishing trip, now what's left but flounder.

I totally agree Verdi!  Although I'm sure Mitchell has got one or two interviews left up his sleeve to set up, if they thought they'd gain more than lose.  They've pushed their luck well past their sell by date, and as a result their image is completely in the toilet! Even if they weren't asked awkward questions people are sick of them, and their endless whinging and complaining only serves to piss the masses off further!  The word "screwed" springs to mind big grin

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by pennylane Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:00 pm

aiyoyo wrote:
pennylane wrote:"They are also said to have turned down huge television and magazine interview offers from around the world."

Pffft, they're running like a pair of scared rabbits, just as they did the minute the British blood and cadaver dogs alerted to their apartment and hire car!

They had shamelessly courted the press and media jumping onto every show that will give them a voice to have their say.  What's changed?  
Image limitation control gone pear shape?

I think their image is in such tatters, that almost anything they say at this juncture will be detrimental.

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by HelenMeg Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:08 pm

Bishop Brennan wrote:
Patience wrote:

... they have pulled out after suffering a £390,000 setback in their libel battle with ex-Portuguese detective Goncalo Amaral.

Setback?  More like a devastating and comprehensive defeat.  3 judges unanimous, book to be sold, English version to be published, 100% of costs to be paid by McCanns, copy of Amaral / PJ theory included in the written judgement. Some "setback".  

I suppose it's not a surprise that they pulled out.  It looks terrible that they have - implies guilt / implies that they are afraid to answer questions about Amaral / implies that they know they have lost public support and belief.   But to have appeared was worse - shifty looks / bad answers / unconvincing bravado and a public airing of Amaral's theory again.   Heads they lose, tails they lose even bigger.   They picked heads.
I think the wider extended 'Team Mc Cann' will have made sure they didn't appear. Kate and Gerry would have done no favours towards  the Team Mc Cann cause. They are not good at hiding their hatred,anger and can be unpredictable. Remember when Gerry stormed off the interview set... if they did that on Lorraine's  show then they would lose their caring ally and friend Aunty Lorraine (friend to all the underworld with no journalistic talent or investigative thoughts in her pretty head)

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Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview - Page 2 Empty Re: Parents withdraw from Lorraine interview

Post by HelenMeg Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:10 pm

ChippyM wrote:
TMH wrote:If they believe what's written in GA's book to be a pack of lies, then why have they turned down the chance to appear on Lorraine. It would have been a good chance for them to rubbish the book but no, they know that everything written is true.

They've lost their fight!

I think that's it, they know at least some of it is true but can't come out and deny it straight out. Before they relied on the years of legal proceedings to prove they had some sort of case to 'deny' what's in the book even though the actual libel was about 'distress' it was some sort of shield from questions. Add to that the book is out there as of yesterday, republished. 
 After years of the stress of keeping up a facade of togetherness and their version of events in front of a media circus I can imagine how stressfull that would be and how it could physically affect a person. I can even muster sympathy for how that would feel but then it is quickly diminished when I think that a 3 year old child was very likely killed and seemingly 'brushed under the carpet' like dirt because someone didn't want their cushy life interrupting.  I think it would be too much for at least one of them to hold it together when asked about the book.
They and their wider team must also remember that Amaral is set to sue - they need to start being a bit carefult

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