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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Mm11

Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Regist10
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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Mm11

Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Regist10

Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by HiDeHo 06.10.15 5:37

Has SOMEONE (Google?) added data to the GoFundMe page to prevent successful searches for Gonçalo Amaral FUND page?
Upon checking the view source page there is added data that does not show in a random Gofundme page as can be seen in the  graphic. ''

Could this be to prevent people searching for the fund on Google and if so...WHY??

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You can now ask Google to remove links about you
Following an EU ruling on the "right to be forgotten," Google has recruited an expert panel to decide whether to remove links that you don't want the world to see.

If there's something online you don't want people to see, you can now ask Google to pretend the offending item doesn't exist.

The search giant has created an online form through which you can ask for links to personal data or posts about you to be removed from its search results. The new form is in response to a European Commission ruling earlier this month that people must have the "right to be forgotten" online.

The EC ruled that you can ask for Google to stop linking to anything that's "inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant, or excessive in relation to the purposes for which they were processed."

The landmark privacy decision by the European Union Court of Justice arose from a number of cases brought by the Spanish data protection authority in 2011, such as one involving auction notices for a house that had been repossessed, which the former owner felt infringed his privacy. The ruling applies across the EU, even to US-based companies such as Google and Facebook.

Clear history

When you submit the links you want removed, Google says it will "assess each individual request and attempt to balance the privacy rights of the individual with the public's right to know and distribute information."

More on the right to be forgotten

Google must delete search results on request, rules EU court
Europe privacy ruling 'struck wrong balance', says Google's Schmidt
Google already being asked to remove search results
Privacy ruling forces Google to delete racy images
A committee of experts will make the judgements, with members including Luciano Floridi, professor of philosophy and ethics of information at the University of Oxford. In a statement provided to CNET by Google, Floridi called the move "an exciting initiative, which will probably require some hard and rather philosophical thinking."

To stop wrong 'uns attempting to whitewash their past, Google pledges to consider "whether there's a public interest in the information -- for example, information about financial scams, professional malpractice, criminal convictions or public conduct of government officials."

To ask for links to be removed, you have to supply the URL and explain how the links in question relate to you. To finalise a request, you must provide your name, contact email address, and a scan of some photo ID.

The form also allows you to make a request on behalf of someone else, allowing spouses, lawyers and other associates to ask for links about someone else to be removed.

If Google approves your request and removes the links in question, they'll disappear from results in Google sites across the EU. But in a statement to CNET, Google's lawyers argue that applying the EU ruling to US publications in Google's US search results would be "absurd."

The Big G adds that the online form is an "initial effort" and will be refined over time.

Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Meta_s10

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by Rabbitte 06.10.15 7:27

I have Bing as the search engine on my ipad, 'go fund me amaral' brings up the fundraiser page for Goncalo as the top result.
I just searched the same through google however and got completely different results to previously when you'd get the fund page. No direct link to the fundraiser, but there are links to this forum though!
So nobody has interfered with Bing, although I might possibly be the only person left using it laughat

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by PeterMac 06.10.15 8:30

I think the questions Who ? and Why ? are rhetorical
A family group with supporters capable of producing a mendacious "Dossier of death" and driving a Pensioner to Suicide are not going to worry about ensuring that Google is corrupted
They are doctors, after all.
Death is normal for them
Gerry sees people who he knows knows are going to die despite his advice and the surgeon's best efforts.
Kate was grubbing around six corpses in her holiday clothes in the week before the trip (One of the more Ludicrous explanations, but someone in the family said it !)

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by aiyoyo 06.10.15 9:14

Rabbitte wrote:I have Bing as the search engine on my ipad, 'go fund me amaral' brings up the fundraiser page for Goncalo as the top result.
I just searched the same through google however and got completely different results to previously when you'd get the fund page. No direct link to the fundraiser, but there are links to this forum though!
So nobody has interfered with Bing, although I might possibly be the only person left using it laughat

I use "Chrome" and whenever I typed in Go...I get a whole drop list of possible links and Dr Amaral's GoFundMe came up top of the list. It seems CHROME has not been interfered with either.

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by aiyoyo 06.10.15 9:36

PeterMac wrote:
A family group with supporters capable of producing a mendacious "Dossier of death" and driving a Pensioner to Suicide are not going to worry about ensuring that Google is corrupted

This - A family group with supporters is likely the same people that administer and monitor FindMadeleine Social Media Accounts - Facebook, Twitter, hence the decision to shut down the FMTwitter account conveniently attributing it to "toxic and hate messages by trolls".

Their hands are stained with Brenda Leyland's blood.  
But since they couldn't get their way despite that, because Police didn't clamp down on "trolls" en masse as a consequential action post Brenda Leyland demise, they decided to take matter into their own hands by eradicating "trolls" the only way they can,and this is to shut down their account.  Cutting their noses to spite their own faces; one step forward and two steps back since less social media presence means decreasing awareness to bring Madeleine home and one link less to the FindMadeleineFund.

Not that I imagine they're still getting donations but one never know since money stuffed into envelopes addressed to The McCanns @ Rothley Sanctuary is enough to arrive at destination. And no one knows which of the two adult residents there is responsible for recording or instructing recording and proper book keeping of such type of donations.

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by Guest 06.10.15 10:14

If neither of them is, then surely both of them are?


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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by ROSA 06.10.15 11:04

Sounds dodgy and smelly just like rotting sea bass

For Paulo Sargento, the thesis that Gonçalo Amaral revealed at first hand to "SP" that the blanket could have been used in a funeral ceremony at the Luz chapel "is very interesting".
And he adds: "In reality, when the McCanns went to Oprah's Show, the blanket was mentioned. At a given moment, when Oprah tells Kate that she heard her mention a blanket several times, Kate argued that a mother who misses a child always wants to know if she is comfortable, if she is warm, and added, referring to Maddie, that sometimes she asked herself if the person who had taken her would cover her up with her little blanket (but the blanket was on the bed after Maddie, supposedly, disappeared!!!).

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 06.10.15 11:08

PeterMac wrote:
Kate was grubbing around six corpses in her holiday clothes in the week before the trip (One of the more Ludicrous explanations, but someone in the family said it !)
Whilst holding Cuddle Cat, no doubt

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by HiDeHo 06.10.15 13:51

Apparently it is explained by Gofundme .

From Go Fund me page:

"How do I get listed in the GoFundMe search results?

Once you set up your GoFundMe campaign, it's ready to accept donations from anyone you share the link with.
However, it will not show up in the GoFundMe Public Search Directory if it is not connected to a valid personal Facebook account.
To help protect donors and to prevent any misuse, GoFundMe requires that your account be connected to a valid personal Facebook profile.

Keep in mind that donors don't really browse GoFundMe. It's best to focus on sharing your link through email, Facebook and more."

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Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches? Empty Re: Who added data to Gofundme page and is it preventing Google searches?

Post by Joannep43 06.10.15 14:41

Imo, if the Google links have been moved deliberately then it's been done to preempt the backlash of donations to the fund, if Amaral looses his appeal. There has been a lot of press lately comparing funding for the search for Madeleine and Ben Needham.  If Amaral's appeal is lost this will no doubt be all over the MSM.  The fallout from this will be unprecedented donations to his fund.

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