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Table seating plan Empty Table seating plan

Post by PeterMac 26.06.15 10:48

Came across this - again - yesterday,and thought people might like a good laugh.

Kate's version of the seating plan in the Tapas bar . .
Not only was it dark outside, and the visility was obscured by the plastic screen, and the bushes were not cut back, and the apartment was 55 m away . . .   and so on
Kate and Gerry had their backs to the pool
The two little boxes say PISCINA and RECEPTION
You couldn't make it up.

Table seating plan <a href=Table seating plan Tapast10" />
It is in the PJ files.

Small wonder Dr Amaral realised within the first few minutes that the whole thing was nonsense.
Strange though that the pro-child-neglectors and child-murder-apologists do not see how ludicrous the McCanns' stories actually are

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by woodbine 26.06.15 11:12

Trying to think back now, but I'm sure I read somewhere that there wasn't even a round table that could
be used for that many people at the bar. I might be misremembering though

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by PeterMac 26.06.15 11:33

woodbine wrote:Trying to think back now, but I'm sure I read somewhere that there wasn't even a round table that could
be used for that many people at the bar. I might be misremembering though

we did this a long time ago.
Assume 9 chairs each 50cm wide, the minimum circumference is then 4.5m
which gives a diameter of 1.45m = nearly five feet

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Doug D 26.06.15 11:39

From memory, textusa did show a photo of one at the back of the Tapas bar which at a squeeze they could have sat around (especially if not everyone was there, ill or up and about doing checks etc!!!!)
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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Doug D 26.06.15 11:45

Here it is, at back near two yellow waiters and piano(?):
Thanks to textusa,

Sorry right hand side of picture gets lost. You can view the whole picture on textusa's link.

Table seating plan BRT+CMTV
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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by jeanmonroe 26.06.15 14:23

AS Judge Rinder would say 'Oh good, you've bought 'paperwork', judges love 'paperwork'

And JW and JT certainly provided 'paperwork' (rather unhelpfully and hurtfully) with their diagrams/sketches of where exactly they 'were' at the exact 'time' of Madeleine's 'abduction' by 'Tannerman'

BOTH, JT and JW, 'marked', on their sketches, JW/GM standing, as near as they could, to the gateway, on the SAME PATHWAY/PAVEMENT as JT, 'leading', to McCann's apartment, G5A.

Thus totally 'CONTRADICTING' what GM 'enacted' in the 'mockumentary' made by EL, and totally 'contradicting' what KM wrote TWICE in her 'bewks'!

And totally 'contradicting' what GM 'enacted', with 'arm movements', on OW 'show'

GM LIED when he said ONE, TWO, THREE 'times'....................................'i CROSSED THE STREET, to talk with JW'

And KM lied one, two, 'times' in her 'bewks' that 'Gerry CROSSED THE STREET to talk to Jez'

Yep, to "quote" Judge Rinder....................'WE, JUDGES, JUST LOVE,..........PAPERWORK'

Just as Jim McGamble said, 'the one thing that WE KNOW, is that people LIE'

eta: I STILL don't 'understand' WHY KM 'told' JC, in Liverpool, at 3am, 4th May, 2007, that the 'shutter (in kids'room') WAS SMASHED' (and that's HOW the burglator 'got in' to 'get' Madeleine)

FIVE hours AFTER she KNEW the shutter had NOT 'been smashed' as the shutter was 'perfectly' INTACT at 10:00pm, 3rd May 2007.

And we KNOW the 'shutter' was PERFECTLY INTACT, and NOT 'smashed' because, within MINUTES of 10:00pm, 3rd May 2007, GM/DW and FP(?) were 'raising and lowering' generally 'playing' with the shutter, but miraculously, NONE of the THREE shutter 'players' LEFT their 'FINGERPRINTS' on the shutter!

(must of all been 'wearing' GLOVES!)

"WHAT" is DCI 'i nick 'em even before they know they're nicked' Wall, and 37 other FULL TIME police 'staff' at OG, 'NOT SEEING'?

Gotta 'go' ..................Judge Rinder is 'on'!

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Grande Finale 27.06.15 3:26

Hmmm! Yeah! GM has them seated differently saying he knew exactly where they were sitting.  nah
Oh and he can see through the opaque plastic sheeting that reflects the internal lights of the bar.

This reflection of the bar lights would mean us mere mortals, would not see anything through the plastic sheet.
There is a photo illustrating this effect somewhere.

7.56 7 minutes 56 secs in (Madeleine was here 3 of 5)
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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by PeterMac 27.06.15 8:09

Grande Finale wrote:Hmmm! Yeah! GM has them seated differently saying he knew exactly where they were sitting.  nah
Oh and he can see through the opaque plastic sheeting that reflects the internal lights of the bar.
This reflection of the bar lights would mean us mere mortals, would not see anything through the plastic sheet.
There is a photo illustrating this effect somewhere.
7.56 7 minutes 56 secs in (Madeleine was here 3 of 5)

If this were not about the death and concealment of the body of a little girl it would be hilarious.
As it is, it is disgraceful.

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by garfy 27.06.15 11:45

not important i know......but why the perfect circle.she obviously took the trouble to draw round something ..

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by worriedmum 27.06.15 13:53

PeterMac wrote:
Grande Finale wrote:Hmmm! Yeah! GM has them seated differently saying he knew exactly where they were sitting.  nah
Oh and he can see through the opaque plastic sheeting that reflects the internal lights of the bar.
This reflection of the bar lights would mean us mere mortals, would not see anything through the plastic sheet.
There is a photo illustrating this effect somewhere.
7.56 7 minutes 56 secs in (Madeleine was here 3 of 5)

If this were not about the death and concealment of the body of a little girl it would be hilarious.
As it is, it is disgraceful.
Why does Gerry point out that the hedge had not grown as tall (at about 8 minutes)?   It was dark AND the view was through plastic AND ....HE HAD HIS BACK TO IT!

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Richard IV 27.06.15 14:09

Everyone goes on about being able to see the BACK of the apartment, WHEREAS, the children`s room was right round the other side of the building.
Richard IV
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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by PeterMac 27.06.15 14:19

Richard IV wrote:Everyone goes on about being able to see the BACK of the apartment, WHEREAS, the children`s room was right round the other side of the building.

Because they are gibbering. Having been caught out with a ludicrous story, each one tries to make it fit, but they end up making it worse.
The could not see the apartment at all given the lighting and the reflection from the plastic tarpaulin
The children's room was in any event on the far side of the apartment
They were sitting with their BACKS to the apartment

Each particular piece of the story is as ludicrous as the rest

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by jeanmonroe 27.06.15 14:30


In 'Hollyoaks' this week there's been an child 'abduction' story.

Child 'taken' from pushchair.


We 'found' out, last night, after just two days, IT WAS THE CHILD'S OWN MOTHER THAT DID 'IT'!

The 'abducted' child is safe and well, hidden, with one of the mother's 'friends'!

But everybody feels 'devastated and sorry' for THE MOTHER, of the 'abducted' child.

And she's keeping 'schtum', loving the 'attention'?

And one of her 'friends' has 'now' been 'arrested' on 'suspicion of child abduction' and the 'mother', stood by, and let the cops 'nick' her friend, in PUBLIC, in front of 'everybody'.

'mummy' pretending to to be 'outraged' and 'fuming'!

But, at least, 'mummy' hasn't 'set up a search fund'.............YET!

'continues' Monday, E4, 7:00pm.

Small 'world', innit?

purely 'co-incidental', i'm sure.


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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by jeanmonroe 27.06.15 15:23

Richard IV wrote:Everyone goes on about being able to see the BACK of the apartment, WHEREAS, the children`s room was right round the other side of the building.

Which, of course, makes a complete 'mockery' of GM's sister, Philomena McCann, saying, on 5th May 2007, to BOTH Sky News and BBC,......'Gerry and Kate are in a clear line of sight of their kids' and PM still 'reciting' the 'mantra', more than 30 HOURS after the 'event'........ the 'abductor through the window' scenario,"It is obvious that someone with malicious intent went through that window and took Madeleine from the safety and security of her family.''

Philomna McCann: The childcare facilities: you're leaving people with other folk that you don't know. Gerry and Kate are in a clear line of sight of their kids. They regularly go across to check; maybe if the kids have been disturbed or crying or anything and if they'd come out the front they would have seen them. It is obvious that someone with malicious intent went through that window and took Madeleine from the safety and security of her family. To suggest in any possible way that Kate and Gerry are negligible pare... negligent pare... negligent parents, sorry, is just abhorrent to all of us. They love their family; they would never willingly, knowingly or in any way neglect them. It's horrible.

Philomena McCann: 'Gerry and Kate are in a clear line of sight of their kids'

NOT unless they had X-Ray 'vision' to be 'able' to see 'through' SOLID BRICK WALLS of their apartment, they're NOT!

To 'see' Madeleine in her bed and the twins in their 'cots' in the kids 'room'!

The kids were in the furthest away 'room' from the McCann's whilst they 'socialised' with their 'friends' at the tapas restaurant.

Philomena McCann: "The childcare facilities: you're leaving people with other folk that you don't know"

So NOT like 'leaving' their three kids, in the 'creche' all day, WITH PEOPLE THEY DIDN'T 'KNOW'!

HOW did they 'know' the 'burglator' did NOT have 'connections' to the creche, where they left their THREE kids, all day?

They DIDN'T!

But they 'left' them 'there' anyway!

And their twins, were 'put back in the creche', by FP, within hours of Madeleine 'disappearing', with an uncaught, unknown, 'burglator' ON THE LOOSE!

Philomena McCann: ".....and if they'd come out the front they would have seen them"

WHO are the 'they', you say, G&KM would have 'seen', Auntie Phil?

Just to 'add': "the FRONT" Aunty Phil 'refers' to is the CAR PARK side of the building!

The McCann's could, at best, if they'd 'looked over' to the building, only 'see' the top part of the patio door, at the REAR of the building.

Philomena McCann "They love their family; they would never willingly, knowingly or in any way neglect them. It's horrible."

Which, of course, was all 'fine and dandy' UNTIL K&GM admitted, publicly, that they HAD, diliberately and CONSCIOUSLY, ('willingly and knowingly') left ALL THREE of their kids, all under 4 years old, in their UNLOCKED apartment, out of their SIGHT, for 1 HOUR 19 minutes, in GM's case, and 1 HOUR 30 minutes, in KM's case!

The THREE McCann children put totally 'at risk', BY their 'parents', of GNW!

But that's 'NOT NEGLECT'?

What'd you 'reckon' Auntie Phil?

Were you erm, 'lied' to, by your brother and his wife?



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Table seating plan Empty seating arrangements

Post by willowthewisp 01.07.15 11:32

New Tapas Group
Gerry & Kate
Rebeka Brooks
Mr Cameron
Carter Ruck
Berarnd Hogan Howe
Big Jim 
Martin **nt
Are we all seating comfortably, so we 'll begin,
Ring a Ring of Rose's a pocket full of poses, we all **** down

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by PeterMac 01.07.15 11:58

Philomena was lied to by her own brother and sister-in-law, but was too thick to realise it made no sense, so started gibbering and trying to include things to make it make sense.
She eventually had to be switched OFF, but carried on with the campaign behind closed doors, and produced the Dossier of Death
or so it seems !

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Post by willowthewisp 01.07.15 12:05

Petermac, as an ex-Policeman, why wasn't the fragrant Philomena spoken to by the Police for wasting their time as the "Dossier"brought about not one single prosecution for the allegations made of the possible harm to the McCann family?
The next thing "Knighthoods"?

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Joss 01.07.15 12:33

willowthewisp wrote:Petermac, as an ex-Policeman, why wasn't the fragrant Philomena spoken to by the Police for wasting their time as the "Dossier"brought about not one single prosecution for the allegations made of the possible harm to the McCann family?
The next thing "Knighthoods"?
Could be,lol. Maybe they fancied themselves of Knights of the Round Tapas Table, big grin

Table seating plan EdgarMitchell-320x276

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Post by willowthewisp 01.07.15 13:20

If this was a game of Chess, they cannot have many pawns left and have lost most of the main other pieces, as Operation Grange has it's Queen still in place to decide what move to do next,Check or Checkmate! As this Charade has cost one side it's Queen, was this the Black Queen that was taken(Dci Redwood) obviously not the King as the game would have ended and Theresa May is still there,but where are Mitchell and Gamble?

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Post by snook 01.07.15 15:04

@Petermac. I don't know how true it is or whether just badly worded but today on FB there is a screenshot of a comment from a rabid pro stating 'my dossier' !?

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Post by Onager 01.07.15 15:49

Out of interest, does anyone know if a check was made re sound... ie at what level would a sound (crying, screaming, breaking glass) be audible if originating from the apartment? Above, that is, the general chit-chat of nine adults having dinner.

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 01.07.15 16:09

jeanmonroe wrote:
Richard IV wrote:Everyone goes on about being able to see the BACK of the apartment, WHEREAS, the children`s room was right round the other side of the building.

Which, of course, makes a complete 'mockery' of GM's sister, Philomena McCann, saying, on 5th May 2007, to BOTH Sky News and BBC,......'Gerry and Kate are in a clear line of sight of their kids' and PM still 'reciting' the 'mantra', more than 30 HOURS after the 'event'........ the 'abductor through the window' scenario,"It is obvious that someone with malicious intent went through that window and took Madeleine from the safety and security of her family.''

Philomna McCann: The childcare facilities: you're leaving people with other folk that you don't know. Gerry and Kate are in a clear line of sight of their kids. They regularly go across to check; maybe if the kids have been disturbed or crying or anything and if they'd come out the front they would have seen them. It is obvious that someone with malicious intent went through that window and took Madeleine from the safety and security of her family. To suggest in any possible way that Kate and Gerry are negligible pare... negligent pare... negligent parents, sorry, is just abhorrent to all of us. They love their family; they would never willingly, knowingly or in any way neglect them. It's horrible.

Philomena McCann: 'Gerry and Kate are in a clear line of sight of their kids'

NOT unless they had X-Ray 'vision' to be 'able' to see 'through' SOLID BRICK WALLS of their apartment, they're NOT!

To 'see' Madeleine in her bed and the twins in their 'cots' in the kids 'room'!

The kids were in the furthest away 'room' from the McCann's whilst they 'socialised' with their 'friends' at the tapas restaurant.

Philomena McCann: "The childcare facilities: you're leaving people with other folk that you don't know"

So NOT like 'leaving' their three kids, in the 'creche' all day, WITH PEOPLE THEY DIDN'T 'KNOW'!

HOW did they 'know' the 'burglator' did NOT have 'connections' to the creche, where they left their THREE kids, all day?

They DIDN'T!

But they 'left' them 'there' anyway!

And their twins, were 'put back in the creche', by FP, within hours of Madeleine 'disappearing', with an uncaught, unknown, 'burglator' ON THE LOOSE!

Philomena McCann: ".....and if they'd come out the front they would have seen them"

WHO are the 'they', you say, G&KM would have 'seen', Auntie Phil?

Just to 'add': "the FRONT" Aunty Phil 'refers' to is the CAR PARK side of the building!

The McCann's could, at best, if they'd 'looked over' to the building, only 'see' the top part of the patio door, at the REAR of the building.

Philomena McCann "They love their family; they would never willingly, knowingly or in any way neglect them. It's horrible."

Which, of course, was all 'fine and dandy' UNTIL K&GM admitted, publicly, that they HAD, diliberately and CONSCIOUSLY, ('willingly and knowingly') left ALL THREE of their kids, all under 4 years old, in their UNLOCKED apartment, out of their SIGHT, for 1 HOUR 19 minutes, in GM's case, and 1 HOUR 30 minutes, in KM's case!

The THREE McCann children put totally 'at risk', BY their 'parents', of GNW!

But that's 'NOT NEGLECT'?

What'd you 'reckon' Auntie Phil?

Were you erm, 'lied' to, by your brother and his wife?


That's the whole point about this, yet another integral part of McSaga that hasn't been cross-examined in any way by MSM. K&G could see the apartment, full view, like being in their back garden & what parent hasn't been in that situation - blah, blah, blah. They're responsible parents, don't you know.

But in the same breath, a stealth burglar could sneak in unseen, unheard & be off with number one child unseen, unheard - but they're still responsible parents, don't you know.

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 01.07.15 16:12

snook wrote:@Petermac. I don't know how true it is or whether just badly worded but today on FB there is a screenshot of a comment from a rabid pro stating 'my dossier' !?
 Could you copy the screengrab here, snook?

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Table seating plan Empty Re: Table seating plan

Post by worriedmum 01.07.15 16:13

Onager wrote:Out of interest, does anyone know if a check was made re sound... ie at what level would a sound (crying, screaming, breaking glass) be audible if originating from the apartment? Above, that is, the general chit-chat of nine adults having dinner.
Well logically, you'd surely have to say that they couldn't possibly hear sounds from the apartment, because it would work in reverse, and the noise of the Tapas diners would be audible inside the apartments.

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Post by snook 01.07.15 23:40

Hi Rogue-a-tory. Can't at moment, I'm on phone but no need, there is a topic devoted to it. 'Cass Sidebothom and Brenda Leyland dossier ' if I recall correctly. Opened today.

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