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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Mm11

Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Mm11

Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Regist10

Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by PeterMac 13.03.15 17:42
Thursday, 12 March 2015


I must admit to becoming more and more furious with the McCann's and their spokesman Clarence Mitchell and the Murdoch press in general.

Why ? Why am i feeling more and more angry at a couple that are frequently lauded in the media as a grieving couple who, through no fault of their own have cruelly lost a daughter supposedly snatched from the bosom of a loving family?.
Well..... Firstly i have a huge problem after researching the vast amounts of factual documentation regarding the case, that the death of little Maddie ( all facts point to that conclusion ), lies squarely at the door of the parents. One has to be careful as there is a massive amount of theories as to what happened to this little girl and you could spend all day everyday reading this to the detriment of the actual facts.
One argument i can clear up is the nonsense regarding the mother Kate McCann examining dead bodies before going on holiday and giving this as a reason for her clothing smelling of the odour of dead bodies also known as cadaver scent.
After this claim was made by Kate McCann, endorsed and given to the media team it was then given as an unattributed source to a trusted journalist who then floated it to other media outlets, this in our world, is how stories get out without anyone becoming firmly linked as the source.
I am reliably informed by those who know without question that Kate McCann was desperate to come up with a very quick response to the dogs findings.So spooked were they by the findings of the dogs when made public, that they fled Portugal and refused to return until the lead detective on the case, one Goncalo Amaral, was removed from the case.

It was knowing what later transpired with a fellow journalist that convinced me of the parents guilt. Having felt something a little fishy with that particular claim ( who didn't? ), he decided to investigate further, finding no evidence of Kate McCann's claims, in fact the more he delved the more it became clear that it was a total fabrication, he wrote it up and not only was it squashed but he was firmly informed that the stance of the Murdoch Group would be firmly in favour of the parents. [my bold]

Anyway, back to the main point, which is that every time someone goes missing, every time a missing child is found,the parents media team latch onto it with the zeal of a leech homing in on an eighteenth century explorer.
Why is that ? I can explain that quite easily and it is two fold. When a media stance is taken it is incumbent upon the backed party to give huge show of contrition and from that point we can then give them what is effectively a morality car wash.
So having done a tiny bit of contrition at the start, the next step is to paint the party or parties as pristine white or golden who made a mistake under the most unfortunate of mitigating circumstances, the truth has nothing to do with it.
Secondly the Maddie bandwagon may be the gift that keeps on giving in some eyes but it is not the case, rest assured professional help does not come cheap and the many people on the media team, solicitors and internet watchdogs need paying, so raising money to pay these many " free givers of their time " is vital. The donations, from whatever source, need to keep rolling in.

What is particularly galling for me and i hope, thousands of others, is the latest nonsense regarding Zephony Nurse, a baby snatched from the bedside of her mother when just a few days old and dubbed the South African " Maddie ".
Given that Zephony went missing first surely it would be the other way round wouldn't it ? Further investigation on this matter did not take long.
Having heard this story coming through on the wires,it was mentioned in the daily briefings as a human interest story, a wide awake opportunity presented itself and a " stringer " asked the question, i am assured that an amount was proffered and thus " blessings " were bestowed on the parents and for the sake of two hundred Rand, a story is born.
But when you look at the actual facts, the mother was right beside Zephony not some hundred and fifty yards away getting tipsy with her friend. Zephony's mother could see her and hear her, the McCann's could not.
Any resemblance to the McCann case is entirely spurious but we must not let that get in the way of a good story or the possibility of more donations, the mortgage may be paid on money donated but the staff still need paying.

Interesting if true.

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by aiyoyo 13.03.15 19:17

Indeed, interesting if true.

What could be the reason behind millionaire madness ?


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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by Guest 13.03.15 20:49

The mainstream media is there to mold the truth on behalf of the rich and powerful.

"Truth, what is that?" (John 18:38)

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by Constablekid 13.03.15 20:55

Some points there that should be handed over the police surely? - particularly the bit in bold?

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by Guest 13.03.15 20:59

The is person - Stephen Davies - has accused Kate of lying and presumably has information to back it up.

What happens next?

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty The Times editor would not publish Gary Hagland's revelations

Post by Tony Bennett 13.03.15 23:22

PeterMac wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2015


It was knowing what later transpired with a fellow journalist that convinced me of the parents guilt. Having felt something a little fishy with that particular claim (who didn't?), he decided to investigate further, finding no evidence of Kate McCann's claims. In fact, the more he delved the more it became clear that it was a total fabrication, he wrote it up - and not only was it squashed but he was firmly informed that the stance of the Murdoch Group would be firmly in favour of the parents.  
This is very very close to what McCann Team member Gary Hagland told me when he 'phoned me, out of the blue, on a Saturday afternoon in late April 2009.

I made some notes on my conversation with him immediately afterwards.

This is exactly what I wrote - about Hagland's attempts to get his story in the media:


·  Hagland gave an account of his time in the McCann Team to journalists from The Times. He says that the editor of The Times declined to use his material.

·  Hagland wrote a draft of a book in 2008 and 2009 on his involvement in the case.


For those not familiar with Hagland, he was an expert in money-laundering and financial compliance issues and was employed by the McCann Team from September 2007 to about March 2008, working in Brian Kennedy's Knutsford house - which he bought for the McCann private investigation.

He 'phoned me out of the blue in April 2009 because he said he was 'carrying a great burden'. He contacted me as I was then the Secretary of The Madeleine Foundation.

He talked for over an hour. He told me that he had left the McCann Team because - to quote his words exactly - it was 'heading in the wrong direction'. 

He told me plainly that two journalists from The Times [a Rupert Murdoch-owned title] had spoken to him, had taken copies of his manuscript, and said they were eager to publish his revelations about his work with the McCann Team. It all looked very promising.

Weeks later, they reverted to him, clearly disappointed, and told him: 'The editor's not going to use your material - sorry'.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by aiyoyo 13.03.15 23:43

I wonder if Hagland has spoken to DCI Redwood about his employment with team Mccann?


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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by Silverspeed 14.03.15 0:16

This is another of his articles from a couple of weeks ago.

Saturday, 28 February 2015



Once again search dogs, specifically trained to find dead bodies have proven to be invaluable. Time and time again they have found dead bodies or the scent of where a dead body has been placed before being removed.

So can anyone tell me how exactly have Kate and Gerry McCann become millionaires when they are evidently responsible for their own daughters death ?

It is utterly clear that the couple have also extracted money from the public under the premise of searching for their daughter and spent the funds donated on almost everything but the search for the poor little girl.
What is also plainly evident is that two dogs have indicated to a dead body, not only in the apartment they rented but also in the hire car they rented many days AFTER the little girl disappeared !

Just exactly how much do you need to see the light ?

How about the moment they were made suspects they buggered off back to England that weekend and refused to come back until the lead detective in the case had been fired ?

How about the absolutely ridiculous assertion by Kate McCann that she examined six dead bodies before going on holiday and that was the reason for the dogs findings.Given that she would have to have done it wearing holiday clothes whilst carrying a toy and a cupboard from the apartment under her arms and that no one has ever come forward to corroborate this nonsense, why are they walking free ?
Why did the government of the time interfere in the process of the investigation and put pressure on the Portuguese authorities to remove the lead detective in the case ?
Why did the government's spin doctor Clarence Mitchell, then working for the Labour government quit his highly paid job to go and work as a spin doctor for this hideous couple ?

Why is this man now standing for parliament as a Conservative MP ?

Why have Mitchell's fingerprints through his old boss Rupert Murdoch been found all over the papers in exclusive red herring press releases been so easily swallowed by a gullible public ?
Why indeed are these people supported by an army of orchestrated and spiteful trolls trying to scare away anyone trying to reach something resembling the truth ?

Why has one of Murdoch's employees, based on evidence provided by Kate & Gerry McCann been allowed to hound an elderly woman into suicide ?

Why has Martin Brunt faced no charges in this matter ?

It is utterly staggering and a disgraceful damning of the society that we live that it looks for murderers which only exist in the minds of parents to cover up their blindingly obvious culpability in their daughters death !

Aided and abetted by the media , the police and the government, this odious couple continue to grow rich on the death of a little girl, that whichever way you slice it,they are responsible for.

Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch 2

Posted by  stephen davies    at  14:43   Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Icon18_edit_allbkg  
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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by Tony Bennett 14.03.15 7:23

aiyoyo wrote:I wonder if Hagland has spoken to DCI Redwood about his employment with Team McCann?
I spoke to Hagland on the 'phone in September 2011 and he said he had been in touch with them and offered his help.

Another Madeleine McCann researcher spoke to him more recently, and he said he had spoken to Redwood - twice.

However, it's not clear what he would have told them.

Hagland never made a clear-cut statement to me that he thought Madeleine had not been abducted. He merely used the phrase: 'It was headed in the wrong direction"


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch Empty Re: Interesting one - by a journalist about Murdoch

Post by aiyoyo 14.03.15 10:04

Tony Bennett wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:I wonder if Hagland has spoken to DCI Redwood about his employment with Team McCann?
I spoke to Hagland on the 'phone in September 2011 and he said he had been in touch with them and offered his help.

Another Madeleine McCann researcher spoke to him more recently, and he said he had spoken to Redwood - twice.

However, it's not clear what he would have told them.

Hagland never made a clear-cut statement to me that he thought Madeleine had not been abducted. He merely used the phrase: 'It was headed in the wrong direction"

Thanks for that.
Educated guess says he would have to elaborate on it quite a bit more for Redwood if he wants to be taken seriously. He would have to give Redwood more details/insight into the operation of the private investigation I'd imagine.


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