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T:  The waiter who wanted to change his statement Mm11

T:  The waiter who wanted to change his statement Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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T:  The waiter who wanted to change his statement Mm11

T:  The waiter who wanted to change his statement Regist10

T: The waiter who wanted to change his statement

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T:  The waiter who wanted to change his statement Empty T: The waiter who wanted to change his statement

Post by Guest 28.02.11 10:42

one year later !!

Witness name: Jeronimo Tomas Rodfigues Salcedas

1st Statement
Processos Volume II pages 233 to 238

Date: 6th May 2007

"They would arrive for dinner according to daily bookings which they did themselves at the reception, he remembers the bookings were always made for 20.30 or 21.00".

2nd Statement
Cartas Rogatorias 5 page 22 to 24 Leicestershire Police Squad

Date: 23 April 2008

"The table was booked then for 19.30 to 20.00. It was nine adults in total, four couples and an older woman who was also with them".

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