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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Mm11

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Mm11

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by sharonl 22.02.21 21:12

The following quote is alleged to have come from Madeleine's grandmother, Eileen McCann in April 2008. It is part of a number of quotes from different people who are describing Madeleine and posted up on Joanna Morais website.

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Eileen McCann: She would never have got up and gone off on her own, it just wasn't in her nature.
"She wouldn't have left the twins, she was like a wee mother figure to them.
"If someone lifted her out of bed Madeleine would have screamed the place down. That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to and she and the twins were quite shy about meeting new people.”
Eileen McCann, Sunday Mail, 27/4/08
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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Jill Havern 22.02.21 21:26

"That girl"  wtf

Your 3 year old granddaughter is 'abducted by a paedophile' and you can't even call her by her name.

And what young child doesn't throw a tantrum 'when they want to'?  


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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Guest 22.02.21 22:33

Maternal instinct isn't a major feature of that family, it seems. Self preservation, however...

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Jill Havern 22.02.21 22:44

I remember my 3 year old granddaughter was having a major meltdown over some terribly important issue (apparently!) and was scweeming and scweeming for what seemed like a decade, but then she gave a really deep sigh and just carried on playing like nothing had happened.

It was actually quite funny.

As maternal Kate would say 'She moved on'

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by sharonl 22.02.21 22:52

She seems to be totally clueless when dealing with children, she has no idea.

Why was Madeleine having tantrums? Why would she be cowering in a wardrobe? Would she really be able to get herself and the twins out of the apartment if there was a fire?
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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 23.02.21 10:14

There was a that point in time no great amount of work done on the long term effects of IVF produced children.
Physical or Psychological problems after birth were not being greatly researched.
A Mother may have never known about any syndromes associated with IVF treatment in their offspring.

My Dutch is a bit rusty, but here is a link in English.
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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by sandancer 23.02.21 16:16

" That girl !" 
Once again distancing language regarding Madeleine , it seems none of them can refer to her by name or in a loving way .
It began with Gerry and Mrs Fenn , " a small child has gone missing " , not my child , my daughter , my Madeleine !

" She was like a wee mother figure to them " 
A 3 year old cannot be a " mother figure " to 2 year olds , unless their mother was unable or inadequate in playing that role for whatever reason . 
Kate does appear to be devoid of maternal instincs and feelings. Imho of course .

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by AnneBarnard 24.02.21 18:33

Yeah, that choice of language is quite atrocious. It doesn't sound like the words of a loving family.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 24.02.21 21:28

I suppose once the Twins arrived, and everyone was back in Amsterdam, the problems really started. 
The Twins arrived in February, and March 2005 was a heavy snowfall in Amsterdam. Gerry would still have to finish his first Semester studies.

Being cooped up at age 2-3 in an Apartment in a foreign land, where even if you could go to Kindergarten, language problems may have existed - would not have been very helpful to the situation.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 26.02.21 20:26

@Sharoni wrote:

 “She was shy and had some difficulty in adapting to the group. She always stayed close to the english children she already knew”.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 28.02.21 11:31

After the McCanns had a break in Mallorca they returned to Amsterdam where Gerry had to finish his second Semester at the VU MRI Department.

Then in November 2005 heavy snowfall took over the Dutch again.

More being stuck inside?

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Verdi 28.02.21 13:50

Silentscope wrote:I suppose once the Twins arrived, and everyone was back in Amsterdam, the problems really started. 
The Twins arrived in February, and March 2005 was a heavy snowfall in Amsterdam. Gerry would still have to finish his first Semester studies.

Being cooped up at age 2-3 in an Apartment in a foreign land, where even if you could go to Kindergarten, language problems may have existed - would not have been very helpful to the situation.

Everyone was not back in Amsterdam.

Gerry McCann followed Kate McCann back to the UK before the twins were born, along with other family members, having two weeks left of his studies.

The twins were born in the UK where they stayed with their mother, father and family.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 28.02.21 14:56

So no - one went back to Holland according to the McCanns storyline after the twins were born?

Then according to the Gaspars statements the Family would have flown from the U.K. outbound to the Mallorca holiday.


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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Verdi 28.02.21 20:27

Silentscope wrote:So no - one went back to Holland according to the McCanns storyline after the twins were born?

Then according to the Gaspars statements the Family would have flown from the U.K. outbound to the Mallorca holiday.


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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 28.02.21 20:46

It would appear Gerry was still in the VU Amsterdam in Mar 2005.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Verdi 01.03.21 0:12

It's a paper published by the Netherlands Heart Journal in March 2005.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 01.03.21 8:55

G.P. McCann is amongst the list of Authours of that above paper.

In Oct 2005 this paper was published
Also written by G.P. McCann.

The MRI PhD Studies for that Academic year in the VU Amsterdam most likely took a minimum of two Semesters to complete. MRI Masters take two years. Dutch Academic Semesters start in September. 

If Dutch Univerities are as strict as German Schools, you would not be normally allowed to go on Holiday to Mallorca during term time.

That is what is interesting.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Verdi 01.03.21 11:50

Blessed are the deluded!

Spanning many years, Gerry McCann has co-authored hundreds of research papers relative to his line of work.

Now can we get back on topic please.

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That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to Empty Re: That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to

Post by Silentscope 01.03.21 13:16

I would still maintain that it would not have been an easy time for Madeleine, if her Pregnant and 4-8 weeks into the Twins Pregnancy told to bed rest Mother would not have been able to run around after her. Father would be as helpful as possible, but had to either study or work.

Moving to another country where there may have been language difficulties at her early stage of her development may have been a factor.

I think throwing a little tantrum or two is probably understandable at that time of her life.

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