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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Mm11

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Mm11

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by sharonl 10.07.12 8:06

Well, according to Antontella anyway

This is a publication by The Sun newspaper and should be taken with a large dose of salts - as usual

Published: Today at 01:13

KATE McCANN will never give up on finding daughter Madeleine – and from today she is putting the same willpower into helping trace other missing children too.

She is beginning a new role as official ambassador for the UK charity Missing People and launching a massive new billboard campaign searching for the nation’s lost loved ones.

It is the first public role Kate, 44, has undertaken since Madeleine vanished days before her fourth birthday in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007.

Speaking exclusively to The Sun, Kate said: “As the search for Madeleine goes on, I want to look at the wider picture and see what I can to do to help.

“Before Madeleine went missing I was horrifyingly ignorant about it myself. It really is much bigger than people realise.”

Kate also opened up about how much the huge public reaction to the abduction meant to her, husband Gerry and Madeleine’s brother and sister Sean and Amelie, both now seven.

She said: “I know that we have been ‘lucky’ in one way because we received such huge publicity when Madeleine went missing.

“We continue to and that really helps our search for her. But many families haven’t had that. They haven’t had their missing loved one’s face put out there.

“They haven’t had the appeals, the publicity, all the things that can lead to a child being found.

“Just having that level of public awareness can be so vital.”

However, Kate revealed that despite the international publicity about the case, even her family sometimes felt forgotten — so she can imagine other families’ pain.

The former GP, who gave up her practice after Madeleine was taken, explained: “When your child, or someone you know, goes missing, you want the whole world to stop and start looking for them.

“You feel completely helpless. There’s an initial flurry of activity then it dies down. You feel like the world has gone away and forgotten about your missing child. That’s when you really feel lost.

“As time goes on you feel as if people have started to give up on them. It’s very hard to keep the momentum going.

“But for the families, having these billboards up gives them real hope.

“They feel that people do care, that people will see their loved one and be thinking about them and looking out for them. They CAN be found.”

Kate added: “Sometimes, when I am having a low day, someone will ask me for a poster of Madeleine to display and it will give me a boost.

“If Sean and Amelie see a sticker of Madeleine on a car window they will say, ‘Oh, look Mummy — they are looking for Madeleine’.

“That gives you huge support and strength. You feel you aren’t on your own any more. To know people care is a huge help.”

For 12 weeks digital advertising space all over the UK will carry photos and information about missing people — mostly children.

Advertising space worth approximately £1million has been donated by outdoor media owners including Clear Channel, JCDecaux, Primesight and CBS Outdoor.

More than ten million people are expected to see the posters in what is the biggest co-ordinated missing persons appeal ever launched in the UK.

Kate said yesterday: “The billboard campaign will have a massive impact. It is something that has been needed for a long time.

“Initially it will be for 12 weeks but we are hoping that it will become permanent.

“Sadly, because of our experience we have learned a lot about what can help in the search for a missing person.

“There is a lot of evidence that getting a picture out there quickly is crucial.

“It is estimated that one in seven missing children are found because a vigilant member of the public has recognised their face from a poster or similar.

“In America they had the famous milk carton campaign, where pictures of missing children are carried on the side of them, which was hugely successful.”

And even years on, in cases like her own, Kate believes continual publicity can produce answers,

She said: “Having these billboards on show could prick the conscience of people who know where that person is or what has happened.

“I’ve been told by experts that you need to keep ‘pricking’ the conscience of that someone who knows.

“Keep prodding until finally that person thinks, ‘I’ve had enough’ and comes forward with information about where the missing person is.”

In her new role, Kate, from Rothley, Leics, will be speaking at events, lobbying Parliament for better funding of the charity and supporting families whose loved ones have disappeared.

She also hopes the campaign will raise public awareness of the whole issue of missing people.

She said: “It was recently revealed that in the UK a child goes missing every three minutes. That is frankly terrifying.”

Kate also wanted to help the charity to thank them for the help they have given her and her family in the five years since they last saw Madeleine on their family holiday.

Speaking about the fifth anniversary she said: “It’s been very tough, but you just have to get through it. Birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas — they don’t get any easier.

“We are really pleased with the way the Scotland Yard review is progressing, It’s in good hands.

“But what we need is for the Portuguese police to reopen the case. That is crucial.” Cops in Portugal closed the inquiry back in 2008.

Kate visited one of the new billboards, bearing the smiling face of 14-year-old Nicola Grobler, at the main entrance of the Bull Ring shopping centre in Birmingham.

Nicola went missing from her home in the city on June 7 this year.

Yesterday her mum Chantelle, 36, a legal PA, said: “Nicola went missing while I was at work. I left her at home and she seemed fine. But when I came home she had disappeared.

“The fear and helplessness is overwhelming. Every night and weekend I have been out searching for her. I spend my nights crying and praying for her. It’s been absolute hell.

“To know that now millions of people will be able to see her photo and someone might spot her is fantastic.

“It has given me such hope. I just hope it will help bring her home.”

Kate, of course, knows just how Chantelle feels.

She said: “I want people to look at this picture of Nicola and really take it in.

“Nicola and all these children could be anywhere, even hundreds of miles away from where they first went missing, and you could be the person to spot them.

“If you do, please ring the number on the bottom of the posters and billboards — 116 000 — even if you don’t want to leave your name.

“Just that one call could end a family’s misery and reunite them with their child.”

Appeals so vital

THE outdoor advertising industry feels strongly that we can make a difference for the hundreds of thousands of people whose family member is missing.

That’s why we’re donating more than £1million of digital billboard space – to help the authorities find some of the missing people whose stories are so important but too often slip under the radar.

This summer is going to be one of the busiest in British history – which means these ads will be seen by more than ten million people, in shopping centres, at train stations and on High Streets across the country.

If you recognise a missing person from one of the ads, make sure you call 116 000.

If you spot a missing

person ring 116 000

YOU can also help Kate McCann’s campaign by donating to the charity Missing People.

A donation of £3 pays for a poster appeal for a missing child. And a gift of £10 pays for a volunteer to follow up a sighting.

Give £3 by texting SEARCH to 70990. Or give £10 by calling freephone 0800 MISSING (647 7464).

If you have information about Madeleine McCann ring the Find Madeleine team on 0845 838 4699, or contact the Met’s Operation Grange on 0207 321 9251.
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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by tigger 10.07.12 8:38

Ah! That great writer of fiction: Lazzeri!

On second thoughts: how is this coming together with Horrocks, Birch etc? Is the public getting used to Maddie never coming back? Either because she's happily living in a far away land with lovely parents or because she is dead?

This is the role so eagerly awaited five years ago - there is a mention in Gerry's blog that a few months after Madeleine's disappearance no suitable role for Kate had yet manifested itself.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by trinity12 10.07.12 8:59

If this news is true then i am utterly disgusted that this charity would associate themselves with this disgusting child neglector. Not one penny will they ever receive from me while they continue to associate themselves with this hideous woman. This news has really angered me, is there no lengths this woman wont stoop to?

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Woofer 10.07.12 9:15

Following the example of Lady Meyer eh?

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by finch 10.07.12 9:17

I just sent them a mail, not a very friendly one.

Dear Sir/Madam

You will probably get a lot of reactions to this news, and I will add mine.
Although I'm not living in England, I am outraged that a charity can appoint a woman, that left her small children alone in a holiday apartment in a strange country, and by her own admission never physically searched for her, can be appointed ambassador for missing children. Is it because her face is well known over the world? Is it because of her 'connections' with Cameron, Brown and the likes? Is it because she raised a fortune on the back of poor Madeleine that you think she will do the same for you?
Two words come in mind : sickening - disgusting.


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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by finch 10.07.12 9:19

finch wrote:I just sent them a mail, not a very friendly one:

Dear Sir/Madam

You will probably get a lot of reactions to this news, and I will add mine.
Although I'm not living in England, I am outraged that a charity can appoint a woman, that left her small children alone in a holiday apartment in a strange country, and by her own admission never physically searched for her, can be appointed ambassador for missing children. Is it because her face is well known over the world? Is it because of her 'connections' with Cameron, Brown and the likes? Is it because she raised a fortune on the back of poor Madeleine that you think she will do the same for you?
Two words come in mind : sickening - disgusting.


Sorry, I used quote instead of edit to add the mailadress.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by ProfessorPPlum 10.07.12 9:45

“It was recently revealed that in the UK a child goes missing every three minutes. That is frankly terrifying.”

That's 175,200 children going missing in the Uk every year Kate.

The problem is that everything she's said in the last 5 years the majority will just swallow it without question.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:04

I'm gobsmacked!!!

Looking at their website there are four ambassadors with photos........ KM not there.

Also patrons for the charity include Lorainne Kelly and Richard Branson

However it does say she has become ambassador here on the website, so they haven't updated their photos.........

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by david_uk 10.07.12 10:10

I would hazzard a guess that this is the news that made SteelM cold!?!. This woman neglected her child! and now shes `missing`!!!. Ambassador for missing people!!? seriously!. I hope this isnt true.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by jozi 10.07.12 10:11

What a shocker ? I know she tried a few years back to put herself in that position but thought it had died a death. Are we sure this is not old news regurgitated again, the papers do love re runs especially the Sun and good old Antonella ?

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:12

It is true, there are two pages on the missing people website devoted to her new role. Here is another link to the other page.......

Kate's Mission for Missing People

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:14

It does look as if Antonella was right - there's a first time for everything - as the news is on the Missing Persons website. I have managed not to choke on my cup of tea only because I have always had a nasty feeling that Kate would be made a roving ambassador for something or the other.

I am now trying to check out the charity's accounts for details of how they spend their money but have not as yet found them - does that remind you of anyone else?

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:18

Jean wrote:It does look as if Antonella was right - there's a first time for everything - as the news is on the Missing Persons website. I have managed not to choke on my cup of tea only because I have always had a nasty feeling that Kate would be made a roving ambassador for something or the other.

I am now trying to check out the charity's accounts for details of how they spend their money but have not as yet found them - does that remind you of anyone else?

I found this right it is a Private Ltd company and not a charity???

It does give a charity number on the website but listed as a private ltd company on link below....

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by tigger 10.07.12 10:18

Jean wrote:It does look as if Antonella was right - there's a first time for everything - as the news is on the Missing Persons website. I have managed not to choke on my cup of tea only because I have always had a nasty feeling that Kate would be made a roving ambassador for something or the other.

I am now trying to check out the charity's accounts for details of how they spend their money but have not as yet found them - does that remind you of anyone else?

I've sent them an email - also referenced the Enid O'Dowd Fund analysis. I have just copied most of my post on the Fund topic to them.
Follow the money!

The ambassadors on the site at the moment look quite wholesome - Kate will stand out rather but there's always the friend with Adobe Photoshop....

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:22

Here we go, a tweet from the charity...........

Missing People@missingpeople

Missing People is proud to announce Kate McCann as its new ambassador today

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by tigger 10.07.12 10:25

From the Charities Commission Website:
It seems one can be a Ltd as well as a Charity:
Sorry - came over in one column - but I see 128.000 plus for employment and trading to raise funds...
So that can't cover the salary of the 43 employees?
Be nice if Ms. O'Dowd took a look.

Accounts for 31 Mar 2011:
received 12 Sep 2011 Annual Return for 31 Mar 2011:
received 20 Sep 2011

Where it operates

Income £1,935,661
Income item Income £
Voluntary 1,834,820
Trading to raise funds 27,450
Investment 5,152
Charitable activities 68,239
Other 0
Total 1,935,661
Investment gains 72
Spending £1,891,523
Expenditure item Expenditure £
Generating voluntary income 413,654
Governance 50,089
Trading to raise funds 78,806

Investment management 0
Charitable activities 1,348,974
Other 0
Total 1,891,523
Assets, liabilities & people
Assets & liabilities item Asset value £
Own use assets 8,120
Long term investments 397
Other assets 1,602,005
Total liabilities -711,094
Employees 43
Volunteers 80
Charitable spending
Spending type item Value £ % of total income
Income generation and governance 542,549 28
Charitable spending 1,348,974 70
Retained for future use 44,138 2
Useful websites
Press office
Public Affairs
Events & seminars
Contact us


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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by tiny 10.07.12 10:26

If turns out to be true,it is TRUELY DISCUSTING, she left her children to fend for themselfs while her and her husband were having me time,result in one going "missing".and there IS no proof of an ADUCTION.

i am truely sick at reading this news as i think those that seek justice for Madeleine will be.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Olive_Boyle 10.07.12 10:27

She's going to be on This Morning, ITV at 10.30 am today, if you can bear to watch. Being arse licked by Philip Schofield no doubt.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:29

According to a poster on MM Kate Mccann is appearing on This Morning at 10.30 to discuss her new role.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Liz Eagles 10.07.12 10:30

Is this a salaried position? If so, it's doubly disgusting.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Olive_Boyle 10.07.12 10:36

They are always asking for comments to their "hub" which can be done on their FB page if anyone's interested. Bet they don't read out any negative ones.

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by uppatoffee 10.07.12 10:42

aquila wrote:Is this a salaried position? If so, it's doubly disgusting.

It would be good if Phil was to ask her this live on Tv. I would be interested to see her reaction.

I am curious to know why this has only just been announced. It's been suggested before I think. Given the court cases coming up, doing something like this certainly raises her profile again. I imagine that many people would think that they can't be involved in Madeleine's disappearance, as she wouldn't have the nerve to do something like this if she was. Sometimes I even ask myself that! (And then I remember the dogs, the ever changing stories, the fund...)

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by jozi 10.07.12 10:43


This for me shows that there will never be justice (if there ever was) for Maddie, the review by NSY is a farce and Portugal know, that's why they wont reopen it as there is nothing to reopen ? We have all been taken for a ride.How can a Government do this to the World and get away with it ?

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by uppatoffee 10.07.12 10:48

Do you think we'll all be here in 5 years time commenting on the latest news that Kate McCann has been awarded an OBE for her charity work with Missing People. I can almost see it now wft

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Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people  Empty Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people

Post by Guest 10.07.12 10:50

D*** [email=H************‏@r******r]H************‏@r******r[/email]********
@missingpeople If you read the statements, and look at the inconsistencies and refusal to help the police - you would not be proud #McCann

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