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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Mm11

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Regist10
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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Mm11

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Regist10

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Tony Bennett 31.01.11 17:46

A mobile ’phone secretly intercepted some time in early August 2009

CM: Gerry, hi, have you got five?

GM: Well, no more than that…by the way, how are we getting on with Hewlett? Has he revealed what that tipsy gypsy told them yet?

CM: Skip that, he's not got long to live anyway, look, we’ve got a really great idea for our next ‘sighting’.

GM: The last one was on a plane to Venezuala wasn’t it?

CM: No, I think it was a girl in a Canadian school concert that came about soon after we published those age-progressed photos of Madeleine on Oprah, but never mind. No, I think we can develop a great story around someone asking about Madeleine on Barcelona docks.

GM: What? When was this?

CM: Well according to our source, this happened three days after Madeleine disappeared…

GM: Three days! What does this source say?

CM: Well, he’d been on a pub crawl round the bars of downtown Barcelona, er, on the night of Sunday 6th to Monday 7th May, and round about 2am he saw this agitated woman in expensive-looking blue jeans walking up and down…

GM: How many pints had he had?

CM: Quite a lot I expect, but we’ll just say ‘he had been drinking’…er, yes, and this girl, well woman, came up to him and said: ‘Have you got my new daughter?’

GM: What did he say?

CM: Er, we’re a bit vague on that at the moment, I think he said ‘No’. Or he might have said ‘Pardon me’ and she repeated: ‘Have you got my new daughter?’ and then he said ‘No’. I’ll check that bit out.

GM: Why the heck didn’t he tell anyone for the past two-and-a-half years?

CM: Well, two things, I think, first of all, he’s a British banker, quite high up, and of course he didn’t want to risk publicity, plus he’s married and he didn’t want to admit to chatting to girls in downtown Barcelona at 2.00am, the other thing is, I really can’t tell you just how this man’s agonised and agonised for the past two years over this, his conscience has tormented him for two years, and of course he wants all this to be anonymous, but he just thought we ought to know as of course we’re the only ones looking for Madeleine.

GM: Well, do we have a description of this, er woman?

CM: As a matter of fact, yes! She had short hair, spoke in an Australian accent, and the banker said she looked like Victoria Beckham.

GM: What, who looks like Victorian Beckham?!

CM: I know, I know, but just think of the headlines: ‘Victoria Beckham lookalike”.

GM: Hmmm, yes, of course. Who are we teeing this one up for? - The Sun or the News of the World again, or the Mail on Sunday?

CM: Well, I had lunch at the Ritz with the News of the World editor yesterday - he wants it of course, on the usual terms - then I plan a press conference with artists’ sketches of the woman and of course I want to highlight the role of our private investigation team so I’ll have Edgar up there doing his ‘Crimestoppers’ stuff…

GM: Did we use Melissa Little again for this sketch?

CM: Yes.

GM: How much did she charge for that one?

CM: Her usually hourly rate.

GM: But this Australian woman could be anywhere in the world?

CM: Aha! No! You see there was a yacht bound for Australia early morning that day and in all probability this Victoria Beckham-lookalike was on that boat, so, er, we say she’s probably in Australia and we get the Australian police and the Australian media to cover it, obviously as you know Rupe is an Aussie and owns half of the media over there so that’s no problem…

GM: Sounds pretty improbable to me - are the British media and public going to fall for this one?

CM: They have so far.

GM: Wait a minute. You said you wanted Edgar on there as well?

CM: Yes, yes. The public will go for it because they want to know their money’s going on some real detectives. It looks good on telly because Edgar can answer any questions about the investigation and sound important as he talks about ‘strong leads’ and all that stuff…

GM: Yes but Edgar’s not impressed me so far, I mean what about his latest ruse of saying he’s ‘convinced’ that Madeleine is being held in a prison lair near Praia da Luz…look I’m not going to authorise him to run with that one until I know how this Victoria Beckham lookalike story is going to run…

CM: Don’t forget Edgar is Brian Kennedy’s man, Bri and Paddy [Patrick Kennedy] need some kudos from this, I mean he’s bought that Knutsford house and is paying Edgar from some source or other, so we’ve got to keep him sweet…

GM: Sorry, I don’t like it, to be honest Edgar’s such a fool he could even blurt out that Jane Tanner saw a woman that night not a man…

CM: Don’t be silly…


6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann's parents to trace 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' ... McCann
family spokesman Clarence Mitchell at a press conference in ...
· Madeleine McCann

6 Aug 2009 ... The pair gave details of the development at a press conference in London. ...
Madeleine: Victoria Beckham Lookalike Hunt. story tracker ...
· Madeleine McCann

6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann and Victoria Beckham ... Watch the press ...
· Madeleine McCann

6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann hunt: 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' sought by police ... He told
a press conference in central London : "Madeleine most ...
· Victoria Beckham

6 Aug 2009 ... Victoria Beckham 'lookalike' sought in Madeleine McCann case ... was released
today at a London press conference by a family spokesman, ...
· The 'Victoria Beckham

8 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann on May 2, 2007 - the day before she disappeared ... thought to
be Australian, at a press conference in London, ...
· Anorak News » Photofit Of 'Victoria Beckham' Madeleine McCann Suspect

mccann victoria beckham suspect Photofit Of Victoria Beckham Madeleine McCann
... By the way, at the end of the press conference Mitchell states that Edgar
· Madeleine McCann

6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann search turns to Victoria Beckham look-alike with ... lead at a
London press conference attended by journalists from Spain, ...
· Aussie Woman Sought in New Madeleine McCann

6 Aug 2009 ... Aussie Woman Sought in New Madeleine McCann Twist, A computerized sketch has
been released of a 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' private ...,2933,537620,00.html
· 'Victoria Beckham

6 Aug 2009 ... At a press conference in London today, David Edgar, ... of British girl
Madeleine McCann are seeking a 'Victoria Beckham' lookalike with an ...
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Judge Mental 31.01.11 18:39

@ Tony Bennett

Jolly good find! One would suspect there could be many of these telephone conversations ready to be revealed. Only last week, one heard there were transcripts of Payne and McCann. And allegedly a hotel room was bugged whilst Fiona Payne and Kate McCann were staying there. winkwink
Judge Mental
Judge Mental

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by theolivebranch 31.01.11 18:44

Oh I do hope so Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 342142

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by YNG 31.01.11 19:46

omg I can't believe what I've just read .... it reads like a comedy sketch .... tell me it's a pi$$ take & not for real confused

KM : "They want me to lie - I'm being framed. Police don't want a murder in Portugal”

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by zodiac 31.01.11 20:05

GM: Sorry, I don’t like it, to be honest Edgar’s such a fool he could even blurt out that Jane Tanner saw a woman that night not a man…

CM: Don’t be silly…

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 670379

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by YNG 31.01.11 20:08

zodiac wrote:GM: Sorry, I don’t like it, to be honest Edgar’s such a fool he could even blurt out that Jane Tanner saw a woman that night not a man…

CM: Don’t be silly…

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 670379

Get this on Twitter if it's true lol4

KM : "They want me to lie - I'm being framed. Police don't want a murder in Portugal”

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by crikey 31.01.11 20:21

Tony Bennett wrote:A mobile ’phone secretly intercepted some time in early August 2009

CM: Gerry, hi, have you got five?

GM: Well, no more than that…by the way, how are we getting on with Hewlett? Has he revealed what that tipsy gypsy told them yet?

CM: Skip that, he's not go long to live anyway, look, we’ve got a really great idea for our next ‘sighting’.

GM: The last one was on a plane to Venezuala wasn’t it?

CM: No, I think it was a girl in a Canadian school concert that came about soon after we published those age-progressed photos of Madeleine on Oprah, but never mind. No, I think we can develop a great story around someone asking about Madeleine on Barcelona docks.

GM: What? When was this?

CM: Well according to our source, this happened three days after Madeleine disappeared…

GM: Three days! What does this source say?

CM: Well, he’d been on a pub crawl round the bars of downtown Barcelona, er, on the night of Sunday 6th to Monday 7th May, and round about 2am he saw this agitated woman in expensive-looking blue jeans walking up and down…

GM: How many pints had he had?

CM: Quite a lot I expect, but we’ll just say ‘he had been drinking’…er, yes, and this girl, well woman, came up to him and said: ‘Have you got my new daughter?’

GM: What did he say?

CM: Er, we’re a bit vague on that at the moment, I think he said ‘No’. Or he might have said ‘Pardon me’ and she repeated: ‘Have you got my new daughter?’ and then he said ‘No’. I’ll check that bit out.

GM: Why the heck didn’t he tell anyone for the past two-and-a-half years?

CM: Well, two things, I think, first of all, he’s a British banker, quite high up, and of course he didn’t want to risk publicity, plus he’s married and he didn’t want to admit to chatting to girls in downtown Barcelona at 2.00am, the other thing is, I really can’t tell you just how this man’s agonised and agonised for the past two years over this, his conscience has tormented him for two years, and of course he wants all this to be anonymous, but he just thought we ought to know as of course we’re the only ones looking for Madeleine.

GM: Well, do we have a description of this, er woman?

CM: As a matter of fact, yes! She had short hair, spoke in an Australian accent, and the banker said she looked like Victoria Beckham.

GM: What, who looks like Victorian Beckham?!

CM: I know, I know, but just think of the headlines: ‘Victoria Beckham lookalike”.

GM: Hmmm, yes, of course. Who are we teeing this one up for? - The Sun or the News of the World again, or the Mail on Sunday?

CM: Well, I had lunch at the Ritz with the News of the World editor yesterday - he wants it of course, on the usual terms - then I plan a press conference with artists’ sketches of the woman and of course I want to highlight the role of our private investigation team so I’ll have Edgar up there doing his ‘Crimestoppers’ stuff…

GM: Did we use Melissa Little again for this sketch?

CM: Yes.

GM: How much did she charge for that one?

CM: Her usually hourly rate.

GM: But this Australian woman could be anywhere in the world?

CM: Aha! No! You see there was a yacht bound for Australia early morning that day and in all probability this Victoria Beckham-lookalike was on that boat, so, er, we say she’s probably in Australia and we get the Australian police and the Australian media to cover it, obviously as you know Rupe is an Aussie and owns half of the media over there so that’s no problem…

GM: Sounds pretty improbable to me - are the British media and public going to fall for this one?

CM: They have so far.

GM: Wait a minute. You said you wanted Edgar on there as well?

CM: Yes, yes. The public will go for it because they want to know their money’s going on some real detectives. It looks good on telly because Edgar can answer any questions about the investigation and sound important as he talks about ‘strong leads’ and all that stuff…

GM: Yes but Edgar’s not impressed me so far, I mean what about his latest ruse of saying he’s ‘convinced’ that Madeleine is being held in a prison lair near Praia da Luz…look I’m not going to authorise him to run with that one until I know how this Victoria Beckham lookalike story is going to run…

CM: Don’t forget Edgar is Brian Kennedy’s man, Bri and Paddy [Patrick Kennedy] need some kudos from this, I mean he’s bought that Knutsford house and is paying Edgar from some source or other, so we’ve got to keep him sweet…

GM: Sorry, I don’t like it, to be honest Edgar’s such a fool he could even blurt out that Jane Tanner saw a woman that night not a man…

CM: Don’t be silly…


6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann's parents to trace 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' ... McCann
family spokesman Clarence Mitchell at a press conference in ...
· Madeleine McCann: Victoria Beckham Lookalike Woman Suspect In ...

6 Aug 2009 ... The pair gave details of the development at a press conference in London. ...
Madeleine: Victoria Beckham Lookalike Hunt. story tracker ...
· Madeleine McCann: Hunt For 'Victoria Beckham Lookalike' As New ...

6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann and Victoria Beckham ... Watch the press ...
· Madeleine McCann hunt: 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' sought by ...

6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann hunt: 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' sought by police ... He told
a press conference in central London : "Madeleine most ...
· Victoria Beckham 'lookalike' sought in Madeleine McCann case | UK ...

6 Aug 2009 ... Victoria Beckham 'lookalike' sought in Madeleine McCann case ... was released
today at a London press conference by a family spokesman, ...
· The 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' in the hunt for Madeleine McCann ...

8 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann on May 2, 2007 - the day before she disappeared ... thought to
be Australian, at a press conference in London, ...
· Anorak News » Photofit Of '[b]Victoria Beckham' Madeleine McCann Suspect

mccann victoria beckham suspect Photofit Of Victoria Beckham Madeleine McCann
... By the way, at the end of the press conference Mitchell states that Edgar
· Madeleine McCann search turns to Victoria Beckham look-alike with ...

6 Aug 2009 ... Madeleine McCann search turns to Victoria Beckham look-alike with ... lead at a
London press conference attended by journalists from Spain, ...
· Aussie Woman Sought in New Madeleine McCann Twist - International ...

6 Aug 2009 ... Aussie Woman Sought in New Madeleine McCann Twist, A computerized sketch has
been released of a 'Victoria Beckham lookalike' private ...,2933,537620,00.html
· 'Victoria Beckham Lookalike' Sought In Madeleine McCann Case - UK ...

6 Aug 2009 ... At a press conference in London today, David Edgar, ... of British girl
Madeleine McCann are seeking a 'Victoria Beckham' lookalike with an ...

Do you have a link for this item please Tony?

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Judge Mental 31.01.11 21:02

@ crikey

There are loads and loads of these ready to come out. Would you not just take our word for the fact they are true?

Some people are able to suspend their disbelief if the McCanns and the rest of the Tapas 9 say things. We didn't see them handing links to the police did we? We didn't see their private defectives passing links to the PJ, before they invaded the homes and workspaces of ordinary Portuguese citizens going about their business, did we?

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Judge Mental

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by kimberley 31.01.11 23:05

Is this another media bandwagon fallacy? argumentum ad verecundiam

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Guest 31.01.11 23:10

Personally I would think the Mccanns and Mitchell and Gordon would all be getting rather jittery at what may come out if their phones have been hacked. I would think a few sleepless nights might be had by all.

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Tony Bennett 01.02.11 0:18

crikey wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:A mobile ’phone secretly intercepted some time in early August 2009

CM: Gerry, hi, have you got five?

GM: Well, no more than that…by the way, how are we getting on with Hewlett? Has he revealed what that tipsy gypsy told them yet?


GM: Sorry, I don’t like it, to be honest Edgar’s such a fool he could even blurt out that Jane Tanner saw a woman that night not a man…

CM: Don’t be silly…
Do you have a link for this item please Tony?

G.C.H.Q. & MI5 Joint Working Group, 'Mobile 'Phone Records of Suspects, Persons of Interest and People we wish to eliminate from our Enquiries in the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann', Vol. 94 (2009), August 2009 [TOP SECRET - RESTRICTED to MI5 INNER SANCTUM, DIRECTOR OF G.C.H.Q., PRIME MINISTER AND HOME SECRETARY only]
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Judge Mental 01.02.11 0:32

kimberley wrote:Is this another media bandwagon fallacy? argumentum ad verecundiam

big grin

Yes. With a dash of argumentum ad misericordiam for good measure.
Judge Mental
Judge Mental

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Judge Mental 01.02.11 0:57

Tony Bennett wrote:
crikey wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:A mobile ’phone secretly intercepted some time in early August 2009

CM: Gerry, hi, have you got five?

GM: Well, no more than that…by the way, how are we getting on with Hewlett? Has he revealed what that tipsy gypsy told them yet?


GM: Sorry, I don’t like it, to be honest Edgar’s such a fool he could even blurt out that Jane Tanner saw a woman that night not a man…

CM: Don’t be silly…
Do you have a link for this item please Tony?

G.C.H.Q. & MI5 Joint Working Group, 'Mobile 'Phone Records of Suspects, Persons of Interest and People we wish to eliminate from our Enquiries in the case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann', Vol. 94 (2009), August 2009 [TOP SECRET - RESTRICTED to MI5 INNER SANCTUM, DIRECTOR OF G.C.H.Q., PRIME MINISTER AND HOME SECRETARY only]

Thank you to Tony Bennett. One has been trying to find this file in one's own system all evening. One had mistakenly filed it in the Sanctimonious Cranial Rectitus section. Which was of course wrong, as this section of the filing cabinet is strictly reserved for Mitchell/McCann symposia.
Judge Mental
Judge Mental

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by poppydog 01.02.11 19:23


I thought the fund was paying for Dave Edgar and the search. Why does Clarrie say that Kennedy pays him?

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by candarel 01.02.11 20:44

Surprised this thread has had so little attention.

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Estelle 04.02.11 3:52

candarel wrote:Surprised this thread has had so little attention.

So am I.

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by ROSA 08.07.11 4:54

onphone clown

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Mini Slueth 08.07.11 7:51

ROSA wrote: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 867230 Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 1280623809

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 110921 hahahahaha love it Rosa!

I have never seem this and cannot believe what i have just read. Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 655851
Mini Slueth
Mini Slueth

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Sweet nothings

Post by Guest 08.07.11 9:34

I didn't see this topic when it first started. This is a spoof (or at least that's my understanding) but, with phone hacking being very much in the news now, it got me to wondering if any genuine conversations between anyone involved in this case have been tapped. Somehow I rather suspect that they would never see the light of day alas.

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by ROSA 09.07.11 3:01

Mini Slueth wrote:
ROSA wrote: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 867230 Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 1280623809

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 110921 hahahahaha love it Rosa!

I have never seem this and cannot believe what i have just read. Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 655851
Mini Slueth you are 2 cute thankyou

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Maria 09.07.11 6:17

Seriously, is this for real?

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Jane Tanner phone hacked? Telegraph 9/7/11

Post by Cheshire Cat 09.07.11 8:51

Maria wrote:Seriously, is this for real?

No, but this is:

News of the World phone hacking: email evidence 'deleted'

Senior executives and staff at the News of the World attempted to obstruct the police investigation into telephone hacking by deleting millions of emails and hiding evidence from detectives, it was claimed last night.

Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Mccanns_1942187cThe list of possible victims also features Miss McGuinness’s Lib Dem colleagues, Mr Clegg and Sir Menzies, and Jane Tanner, who was on holiday with the McCanns in Praia da Luz, Portugal, and is convinced she saw Madeleine being carried off by a man Photo: PA

By Victoria Ward, and Mark Hughes

9:32PM BST 08 Jul 2011

An executive from News International, the tabloid’s parent company, allegedly deleted potentially incriminating emails from an internal archive shortly after Scotland Yard began its second investigation in January.

It is also alleged that the contents of a reporter’s desk were removed following his arrest before police had an opportunity to conduct a search.

The allegations came as The Daily Telegraph learnt that detectives have been handed a list of potential telephone hacking victims linked to the Madeleine McCann case.

The list of 67 names and numbers includes Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of the missing child, and politicians including Nick Clegg and Sir Menzies Campbell. It was handed to officers working on Operation Weeting, the Metropolitan Police’s investigation into telephone hacking at the News of the World last year.

The alleged mass deletion of emails, reported by The Guardian newspaper last night, has exacerbated tensions between News International and Scotland Yard.

Last month, News International handed over evidence of journalists’ alleged involvement in bribing police officers, but was warned by Scotland Yard not to make a public announcement. When the existence of the emails became public this week detectives concluded that the agreement had been breached.
It is also claimed that after the arrest of James Weatherup, a senior journalist at the newspaper, in April, his desk was cleared and its contents lodged with a firm of solicitors. The Metropolitan Police is said to have consulted the Crown Prosecution Service over whether charges could be brought.
Meanwhile, the list containing details of people linked to the Madeleine investigation suggests the victims of telephone hacking are not confined to names seized from Glenn Mulcaire following his arrest in 2006. Although the three year-old went missing in May 2007, after Mulcaire, the private investigator at the heart of the scandal, had been jailed, some connected to the investigation into her disappearance have raised concerns that their telephones may have been hacked.
One is understood to be Justine McGuinness, a Liberal Democrat adviser who was a spokesman for the McCanns. The list of possible victims also features Miss McGuinness’s Lib Dem colleagues, Mr Clegg and Sir Menzies, and Jane Tanner, who was on holiday with the McCanns in Praia da Luz, Portugal, and is convinced she saw Madeleine being carried off by a man.
Detectives were said to have interviewed Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns’ spokesman, about the list, although he was unaware how it came into fruition. Mr Mitchell has confirmed that he met officers after attempts were made to access his Vodafone account.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said of the list: “If anyone is concerned about telephone hacking we are duty bound to take it seriously.”
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Madeleine Foundation

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by plebgate 10.02.13 10:24

How utterly ridiculous that we plebs were expected to believe that sighting.

Beckham is off to France soon so wouldn't be surprised to hear of a sighting of Maddie at a football stadium there. ha ha.
What a pity the fund is not of charitable status with Beckham about to give £3 mil to charity could have been a nice little earner for some. Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 110921

Tony B is like a cream cake - naughty but we do like him.

Excellent P. take Tony.ha ha.

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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty Re: Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009

Post by Spaniel 11.02.13 8:40

GM: What, who looks like Victorian Beckham?!

CM: I know, I know, but just think of the headlines: ‘Victoria Beckham lookalike”.
big grin

What made me laugh especially at that, is I can imagine that's exactly how publicity people operate.



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Revealed - a mobile 'phone call from Clarence Mitchell to Gerry McCann, early August 2009 Empty phone call Mitchell to Gerry McCann, August 2009/ I'm horrified!

Post by marconi 31.05.13 11:45

Clarence Mitchell is also a suspect, in my opinion.

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